silentwolf,「яiC@♥。」,Aj the pie,Mia_Maxride,emmer mayonegg,El-Mango

Friday, April 5, 2019

Guess who's back (back)? Back again (gain), randoms back (back), tell the rats... Tell the rats, tell the rats, tell the rats... Yep, the random is back, and it's as friendly and random as ever! Matured and roasted to perfection! The random before, mehhh... Not roasted quite right. Bland, funny and a little goofy. But this... No, this... 100% pure random that calls upon the Gods for praise and secret creamer! The moooooose... Squirrel out

Thursday, January 19, 2017

#throwbackthursday Rat Style!

WARNING: The following post is a little gnomey on the political side of things...

Oh my how times have changed...don't even get me started on that great big ole turkey there. It so happens to be Thursday and the pie oh so appropriately is thinking about the good ole ratty days of the crew here and how much love she still has in her heart for furry creatures alike no matter how long it has been or how many moons apart we may all be.

That being said, today I was watching the news and I don't think I need to get into details here but certain people and certain things that were said and done inspired me to partake in an old sporktacular past time. Writing song parodies or "filks" which is a fancy new word I learned from a friend who is in the Society for Creative Anachronism (it's pretty rad, if you're not familiar, I suggest utilizing our ole pal Google).

Anyways, without further ado, I present to you Our (Millenial) Generation (with a little teenage-inspired angst ;) )

He's got a big white ass and he doesn't pay his taxes
I'm afraid for our generation

This big ugly cow is making his way to Moscow
I'm afraid for our generation

When foreign affairs are really quite a scare
I'm afraid for our generation

I hope his presidency dies before he makes us all cry
I'm afraid for our generation

Our generation
Our generation, baby

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Take me to the land of maple!

As some know or do not know I am a avid gamer, I have a love for world of Warcraft and other console games. It came to me tonight during a team match while playing Hero's of the storm things not to say to your team via chat or even voice chat they are as follows.

1. Screaming LEEEEEROOOOOYYYYY JEEEEENKINS while charging into a mass barrage of enemies (you may live or you may die)

2. Saying I am mounting thy battle moose and now thus charging into thy enemy, victory shall not be ours or mine take me to the sweet land of maple!( you are either very dead by now or in a very sticky situation)

3. Welcome to world of Warcraft the closest you well ever get to game of thrones choose your faction wisely

4.Where is the any button!

5. If you are a rouge please refrain from saying or typing out Stab,Stab, Stab,Vanish!.....Stab

now none of these are silly at all but generally somewhat so I would like to say sorry but remember

when in doubt don't be a tool or a fool unless your a goblin in WoW then things could get messy and explody!

I well be back later to come up with a better post this one kinda is not so good ....sorry low exp on this post and bad rewards!

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Prepare ze Battle Moose!!!!!

Hello all my lovely ratties, I hope life has been treating all of you well a late night thought came to mind many months back.

I was asked a question which typically was what if we went back to near olden times what would the Canadian army be?

    Let me answer this in the best way possible!!!!!!!

Tanks are now battle moose, let them charge into battle with their mighty moose sound and unrelenting power! oh and their antlers are huge have you seen those things they not only work great as a battering ram they make a great coat rack.

What about the air force you say or airplanes?

Well my fellow folks bring on the Canadian geese, here they come a honking but watch out! you don't want to get caught up in their airborne droppings! (Guess what it isn't snow!!!!!)

What about the navy seals I almost forgot about that.....don't you worry we have our otters for that and for the special unit never fear we have Seal team six! (which really is a bunch of highly trained seals with lasers attached to thy head)

now for the last bit do we have spies oh yes we do they are a highly covert type of highly trained squirrels the only problem so far is they forget where they have stored the plans and easily get distracted by shiny objects! back to the drawing board

I hope this post brightens your day and may the rat blog be with you!

Much love xsilentwolfx

Sunday, October 12, 2014

In time we all grow.....I am wolf!

This blog was started a long time ago a lot of us have grown and have branched off in life so the posts have stopped or become rare as they come....this being said

No matter the walks in life we all have each other time and again in bad times and the good.

It's thanksgiving here in Canada come Monday mind you be thankful for all that we all friends family our spouses anything

I well try my best to post when I can but life get's in the way at times

I love each and every one of you that are a part of this crew

for I am wolf and we are friends

Thursday, June 6, 2013

I have a pot of coffee....I have a pot of coffee.....and you can't has it

Yes I have my pot of coffee my cup of coffee it's go-go time, or in the magical land of wuff it's time for spazzmatic random time. Now what does this entitle any viewers of this blog if there are still viewers that is lets see here absolutely nothing..... Wrong answer this is full of sunshine,rainbows and unicorns and maybe the odd woodland creature have I already mentioned unicorns? 

 come on down to the live action sporking range where nobody judges you on your sporking skills, or the size of your spork! A little sidetracked I am now to get to actual mayhem remember my little ditty the other day? I remembered even more (insert insane laughter here)

 Hey little sporky what have you done? 
Hey little sporky who's the only one? 
Hey little sporky who's your sporkingman? 
Hey little sporky who's the one you want?
 Hey little sporky shot gun! It's a nice day to spork again. 
It's a nice day for a spork wedding. 
It's a nice day to spork again. 
 Hey little sporky who is it you're with?
 Hey little sporky what's your spork and bork?
 Hey little sporky shot gun 
 Hey little sporky who's your sporkingman?
 Hey little sporky shot gun!
 It's a nice day to spork again 
 It's a nice day for a spork wedding 
It's a nice day to spork again 

 That is about sporking it....this is silent signing out

Yar sporks!!

Come one, come all! All ye happy little rats in fancy hats! Come to the house of plentiful shit tickets! The land if milk and sporks! Were the root beer drizzles like warm black coffee! The coffee gods, oh the almighty coffee gods! Fill my cup, and never let me stir with a lollipop and never let thy coffee get cold or room temp! Never let the tasty sweet flavor of the demon's chocolate chips curse my coffee's flavor! I know you all missed this. Don't deny it! Squirrel out!