As some know or do not know I am a avid gamer, I have a love for world of Warcraft and other console games. It came to me tonight during a team match while playing Hero's of the storm things not to say to your team via chat or even voice chat they are as follows.
1. Screaming LEEEEEROOOOOYYYYY JEEEEENKINS while charging into a mass barrage of enemies (you may live or you may die)
2. Saying I am mounting thy battle moose and now thus charging into thy enemy, victory shall not be ours or mine take me to the sweet land of maple!( you are either very dead by now or in a very sticky situation)
3. Welcome to world of Warcraft the closest you well ever get to game of thrones choose your faction wisely
4.Where is the any button!
5. If you are a rouge please refrain from saying or typing out Stab,Stab, Stab,Vanish!.....Stab
now none of these are silly at all but generally somewhat so I would like to say sorry but remember
when in doubt don't be a tool or a fool unless your a goblin in WoW then things could get messy and explody!
I well be back later to come up with a better post this one kinda is not so good ....sorry low exp on this post and bad rewards!
Akayla 1991 stream online svenska undertext
5 years ago