Hello there and season's greetings fellow rats. I the pie am getting ready for the holidays and let me tell ya, it has not been easy. The past week at school really took it's toll. I'm glad I stayed with it though and didn't give up. Although I got very, very close to breaking, I managed to pull through losing only minimal amounts of filling. Yes the pie is ok, still alive and well. The other night, the pie had the most fun it's had in quite a long time. That will not soon be forgotten :D. Oh and if you want to see the fruit of pie labour, check out http://www.ajsnowbored.webs.com/. This is the website that nearly made the aj completely lose it. Will not go into detail there as it will probably make you want to spork your eyes out...blast that vile evil whatever it was that was stopping this thing from working properly.
But now on to a more severe problem...the pie has failed to do any christmas shopping this year! Ahhh what is a broke pie to do when it doesn't even have any money to buy presents for it's family and homies? I feel so bad that I don't have any gifts to give this year :( The only gift I do infact have is love and christmas spirit. I have told my friends this year that I do not wish to recieve any gifts cos honestly, I have pretty much everything that a pie would ever need. I have my guitar, my fish, my music and family and friends. That's all that really matters. Everything else is just stuff and is of little importance. The only thing that the pie does want though is a furry little friend. That will come with time though when I manage to find myself a steady job and have saved up enough. In leu of getting me gifts this year, I want my friends to help out animals in need and donate something to the SPCA in the true spirit of christmas.
This year as part of christmas celebrations, members of the rat crew and a few others have decided to do something very special to help out and give back to the community. Tomorrow, we are going to get together and go to the pet store and buy supplies to donate to the Humane Society. To a pie who loves animals so much and cares so much, this is probably the best thing to do to celebrate christmas. Afterall, the true meaning of christmas is giving and the best gift you can give is hope to those who need it most, no matter if they have two legs or four and if they have fur or scales or feathers.
The next few days to follow will be filled with advetures and yes, mass candycane bombings and perhaps a...transmas? The pie only wishes that a certain special little creature could join us. But even though she won't be here in person, she'll be here with us in spirit :). Hope everybody has a wonderful joyful holiday, no matter what you want to call it. The pie loves you all and hope you all have a great time.
Now then, the pie has things that it should be doing right now, so I'll leave you with this note and be sporking on my merry way...
Ohhhh...We wish you a Merry Ratmas
We wish you a Merry Ratmas
We wish you a Merry Ratmas and a Sporking New Year.
Good gnomings we bring to you and your toast
Good gnomings for Ratmas and wish you good cheer.
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5 years ago