Firstly, the vocalists in rent actually believe in what they are singing. They put their everything into it; it makes the biggest difference. FOR EXAMPLE-- AMERICAN IDOL VERSION:
Oh, the main characters are Mimi (the stripped at an S&M club – she has HIV/AIDS, is determined to get Rodger{ends up dating him/falling in love with him}), Rodger (a musician with a troubled past – had HIV/AIDS – no job – depressed until he meets Mimi and finally lets himself fall in love with her), Mark (the film maker – no job – the ex of Maureen who is now dating Joanne), Joanne (Maureen’s new lesbian lover – they break up and then get back together. Is a lawyer.) Maureen (the bi girl – Mark’s ex – drama queen – holds a protest against Benny), Benny ( the ex roomie of Mark, Maureen, Collins – now a rich ass who is wanting to tear down tent city {tent city it where all the homeless people find shelter and live} to build a cyber studio. Maureen’s protest against this is what provokes Benny to ask for the entire years rent all at once), Collins (black guy, has HIV/AIDS – falls in love with Angel), Angel (the drag queen and one of the most powerful characters. She brings everyone together. She has HIV/AIDS.)
The first song in the MOVIE rent (since there are fewer song in the movie version than Broadway version) is called, seasons of love (you heard that one). It is about the different ways some people could measure a year, for example, 525600 minutes, report cards, cups of coffee, in laughter or strife...Or, in love. The different seasons, types of love. Even the 525600 minutes has a meaning as well. They say that each minute can be a completely different experience and having meaning. It is also saying, that that would be one of the best ways to go about life – seeing love, feeling love.
The second song is based on paying “last year’s rent” and how that affects them. “Last year’s rent” is literally the fact that their old roomie got rich, promised them free rent, and then took back that promise (they live the bohemian life, so money is like, a no go). But how it affects them makes them glaze over their lives a bit. The song describes it better. (crappy quality)
Ok, more on Rodger. His last girlfriend died of HIV/AIDS, which they both got from their drug addiction. He was in love with her, and when she died, his talent did to. He blames himself for her death, he never smiles, until he meets Mimi. He has been a year free of drugs when he meets Mimi.
Mimi – She brings light back into Rodgers life. But, it takes him awhile to push through his pain and let himself take another stab at love. She first gets his attention by going up to his door (they both live in the same apartment, that of Benny’s *he shut off all of the power due to the lack of rent*)asking him to light her candle; which she keeps blowing out so she can stay with him. He then ends up telling her his ex girl friend died by mentioning that she looks familer and she is like “who is she?”, so he is like “her name was April, she died”. At one point, she looks like she is going to leave, but then she realizes her drugs went missing somewhere in Rodger/Mark’s flat. So, that is when Rodger finds out she is a druggie. Rodger finds her stash on the ground, and hides it from her, but she notices that he did so, when he obviously tries to keep it away from her, she flirts her way into getting it back. After that, she interrupts him when he is all alone, trying to come up with any sort of song, and goes ape shit and demands she leave and tells her “if you’re looking for romance, come back another day”. Her response (since she knows his ex died) she tells him “
“The Heart May Freeze Or It Can BurnThe Pain Will Ease If I Can LearnThere Is No FutureThere Is No PastI Live This MomentAs My LastThere's Only UsThere's Only ThisForget RegretOr Life Is Yours To MissNo Other RoadNo Other WayNo Day But Today”
The meaning of this line comes up often.
Her and Rodger end up breaking up because, she tried to quit drugs for him, and then relapsed, which for him was the last straw; and left her. After that, she ended up just getting more and more sick. By the time Rodger realized he was being a dumb ass, and came back from Santa Fe to find her and apologize – she had run away, and quit drugs by herself, and was living on the streets. Maureen and Joanne found her, nearly dead, and brought her back to Rodger/Mark’s place (ALL OF THIS OCCURED AFTER ANGEL DIED). Rodger FINALLY made a song when he was away from Mimi, about how much he loved Mimi. When he was singing it to her, she died (for a bit)...Rodger called out her name, and then, after a few moments, she can back to life and said that she saw Angel, and that Angel told her to come back and listen to Rodger’s song.
Angel – Angel is just amazing. She brings everyone together and is fully into supporting everyone around her. Her first song she sings “today for you, tomorrow for me”. She always puts others before her. She, in the end, dies of HIV/AIDS. The only one in the story who ends up doing so. She and Collins fall in love.
A way the meaning of RENT can be defined is that, love is the most important thing, and that you should not waste a single moment of your life by regretting the bad shit you’ve done – the bad crap that has happened, but to learn from it. “No day but today” to do anything but live. You can’t live in the past, and you can’t live in the future. Love who you are, love what you have, love those around you.
Interesting fact...many of Jonathan Larson’s (the creator of rent) friends had/have AIDS. He also died right before rent made it to Broadway. It was in production and ready to go, but he died before his dream fully came true. Also, rent is the longest running Broadway play!!
Akayla 1991 stream online svenska undertext
5 years ago
Bloody hell that AI one has like no emotion.
Btw there's not a d in Roger.
And Jonathan died the day before opening night :( So when Angel died they all lost it on the first night for Jonathan. There's a like 2+ hour documentary about him on the DVD too.
<33 Rent. I'm excited for the Cinecast DVD :D
hehe yay for rent good job
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