яic@: Time keeps on slipping away and we haven't learned. So in the end now what have we gained? says:
I love you,
You love me.
Not some puprle banshee
With a BELCH
And a sammich from me to you
Won't you say...
You know what I gotta say to that rica
You got twizzler I got lasagna
so with a PBBLT to the URRRP izzo
I got more noms then you do for you are worm and I truly am the ALPHA WORM!!!!
Akayla 1991 stream online svenska undertext
5 years ago
XD Holy shit what the heck is wrong with us lately? Some kind of crack? Did somebody spike our pixie sticks again? Whoever did it.. Do it again! This is gold! GOLD! XD
Get your ....finger out your nose and stop digging I REPEAT stop digging you got it you get it good.....
But... I KNOW there's more gold in there! I can feel it! *finger in nose* Yep, I can feel it. Right there. GOOOOOLD!
STOP that is your brain yes that is your brain meats do not dig further unless you wish to live the life of some snot dribbling drool infested toddler....oh the joys of childhood anyways....don't go on digging with out a diggers permit
Aww... I wondered why it was warm and squishy... Eew! Brain meats! Brain goooo! x.x
I'm a gold digging rebel! I need no permit! NO PERMIT I TELL YA! But I COULD use a helping hand getting the load back to the market. XP
STOP don't you get it dealing black market sugar in the basement is one thing....but digging with out a permit of all things have you gone mad do you have the itchy butt? do I need to dunk you in decaf?
stop digging it's purely a life of sin if you keep on like this
*dig dig dig* Ouch! Oops... Now I don't know math... TWO PLUS TWO IS MUCUS. NOM! Wait... Wait... WAIT... OUCH! ITCH, ITCH, ITCH, ITCH, ITCH, ITCH, ITCH! *dragging bum along the carpet* I HAVE THE ITCHY BUUUUTT! No decaf! TT^TT
I shall only deal sugar in the confines of the basement, I promise!
Quick does the square block go in the circle hole or does it go in the square hole?
what is the square root of evil?
oh dear lord no .....I told you why couldn't you stop with your digging
*drags bum along the carpet some more* The itchy butt is the root of all eviiiil!
Why can't I keep my fingers out of my head crevices?! Why, why, why, why, itchy, itchy, itch, itch, itch, whyyyy? Oh whyyy? It buuuurrrrns! xAx
no you fool the root of all evil is 1.8 billion EQ don't you get it....*sighs and hands you the talcum powder*
I lost my ability to know math! Why, why, why, whyyy? *wiggles bum* Itchy powder~ Itchy powder~ Make the itchies go bye-bye! Three times eighty two is FISH SAMMICH!
*wraps you in tinfoil* enough you shall for ever be known as rica special squirrel to all
the rat blogs forever squirrely wrath
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