Because random is naturally high on crazy!!
RiC@: I'm not perfect, but I keep trying. 'Cause that's what I said I would do from the start says:
Have you seen Kari's pet yet? omg
I'm not using IE though, I'm using Google Chrome
§ilentwolf The orginal Furry Buddah says:
no XD I have to find it lol
RiC@: I'm not perfect, but I keep trying. 'Cause that's what I said I would do from the start says:
Looks freaky!!
§ilentwolf The orginal Furry Buddah says:
lol now I gotta go find it
biggie eh
RiC@: I'm not perfect, but I keep trying. 'Cause that's what I said I would do from the start says:
Iknowright? xD
§ilentwolf The orginal Furry Buddah says:
it's naked and blue...
RiC@: I'm not perfect, but I keep trying. 'Cause that's what I said I would do from the start says:
I first saw the giant ears and went WTFBIGEARS
§ilentwolf The orginal Furry Buddah says:
I dont' want anymore of this stinky need more neighbours crap
I think having my friends as neighbours is bad enough
you lostyour ducky again
RiC@: I'm not perfect, but I keep trying. 'Cause that's what I said I would do from the start says:
Not my duckyyyy!
grabby paws
§ilentwolf The orginal Furry Buddah says:
I see you are now a squirrel in teh game
and skeith looks bad ass
RiC@: I'm not perfect, but I keep trying. 'Cause that's what I said I would do from the start says:
§ilentwolf The orginal Furry Buddah says:
XD found your ducky
quit losing it lol
RiC@: I'm not perfect, but I keep trying. 'Cause that's what I said I would do from the start says:
But, but...urrrrf squeezes ducky making it go squeeeeeee
§ilentwolf The orginal Furry Buddah says:
lol slobbers on it
RiC@: I'm not perfect, but I keep trying. 'Cause that's what I said I would do from the start says:
squeaks my ducky
holds it out as it drips drool
§ilentwolf The orginal Furry Buddah says:
eww mental image
RiC@: I'm not perfect, but I keep trying. 'Cause that's what I said I would do from the start says:
Or even better
I'm going ducky ducky ducky then squeak from the ducky as you're there with your mouth on it, gobbing it going om nom nom nom while I"m like ehhhh my duckyyyy
A pitiful, sad abrupt squeak no less
Just to add to the insight
they are secretly in the closet so i think anyway and discising it wit belle the pretty girl lol
Hehe team Edward or Team Jacob? I think they're both on the same team in that damn closet
I so went there!
§ilentwolf The orginal Furry Buddah says:
how about I go even further
Bella swan has the dramatic choice to choose between a life of necrophilla or a life of beastailty
or better yet
bella fucks the ice cube and gives birth to a fucked up half human vampire baby
enough said
RiC@: I'm not perfect, but I keep trying. 'Cause that's what I said I would do from the start says:
I shared that with Kari and I hope she's not dieing of laughter over there lol
And you know Bella would probably die in the birthing process
§ilentwolf The orginal Furry Buddah says:
would the baby eat the planecta?
RiC@: I'm not perfect, but I keep trying. 'Cause that's what I said I would do from the start says:
It would probably shove it down her throat and chew her head off
Here's what I told Kari
Welcome to the mind of Julie lol
Mind your head, and watch out for random perversion that will swing from the walls like a booby-trap
Watch your step, and enjoy your stay! lol
§ilentwolf The orginal Furry Buddah says:
and then you told her about the whole life of
RiC@: I'm not perfect, but I keep trying. 'Cause that's what I said I would do from the start says:
I wonder if vampire babies eat their mothers for nutricion like other animals do...
§ilentwolf The orginal Furry Buddah says:
or would the mother have to drink gallons of blod by the bucketful?
maybe eat a few placentas?
RiC@: I'm not perfect, but I keep trying. 'Cause that's what I said I would do from the start says:
This is true, she'd have to keep full of nutrition for the baby then BOOM
And I can see retarded files of Twilight and Edward on the first date asking, "Want to see my penis? It sparkles"
And Bella smacking him then pulling out a giant hammer to throttle him with
§ilentwolf The orginal Furry Buddah says:
even better
I want waffles *eat* .....waffle goes flying out
....okay blood it is then
RiC@: I'm not perfect, but I keep trying. 'Cause that's what I said I would do from the start says:
Waffle with syrup? *FLING!* okay then... BLOOD syrup? *long pause......FLING!* damnit!
§ilentwolf The orginal Furry Buddah says:
RiC@: I'm not perfect, but I keep trying. 'Cause that's what I said I would do from the start says:
I'm totally saving this so Kari can read it later
Then the whole house echos DAMN YOU EDWAAARRRRD!
But since it's all made up what would a human woman look pregnant with a vampire baby? Probably wouldn't look at all like a human pregnant...eeww ok stopping
§ilentwolf The orginal Furry Buddah says:
prob super huge
laying back with a sippy cup of blood
and bitching at edward goign IT"S YOUR FAULT
RiC@: I'm not perfect, but I keep trying. 'Cause that's what I said I would do from the start says:
§ilentwolf The orginal Furry Buddah says:
RiC@: I'm not perfect, but I keep trying. 'Cause that's what I said I would do from the start says:
I'm suddenly seeing a fat Cartman for this mental image
And it's gross
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5 years ago
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