All hail Sir Ratacus Stinkrottcuss Cheese!....yep thats me shhh what do you say a wolf among mere rats you say.
No cause the aj is a .....*drum roll*.....Rat pie butterfly
and somehow im a wolf rat now woot I am so the fuzzy transformer that can turn into a rat is that not grand everybody.
now then we are the ones nobody has ever thought to give the chance to be known
We are students
We are friends among many
we have been bullied
we have been shot down by the views of society
We are the proud rats of the rat crew hiding so far down into the underground voicing our words...let them be silly or crazy ranter banter like the mad hatter.
So there for after a long chat with the aj who is now a butterfly pie yes we have figured out what kind of pie aj is.
and then we have a egg somewhere in here and a mango...
but it has been written in the books of the umm rat gods?
now you see why mere judgement these days holds nothing get to know a person for what they are for there personality not there looks
no way
yes somehow we went from a rambling rat crew full of crazy to a crazy rat crew with a voice shouting out among the underground we are who we are and damn aj back to the stinky cheese talk
Akayla 1991 stream online svenska undertext
5 years ago
It's a Ratty Revolution! Spork yeah!!!
Now all you rats raise your paws in the air, it's time for a Ratty Revolution! Love! Respect! Loyalty!!!
dear lord aj lol oh will lets rat this up my dearest rat finkus
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