All you women who want a Turkey of the street But you don't know which way you wanna turn Just keep a coming and put your hand out to me 'Cause I'm the one who's gonna make you make you burn i'm gonna gobble you down down down down
so don't fool around im gonna stuff it stuff it pull the trigger shoot to thrill play to kill
now then one to dirty deeds done dirt cheap or.....
If your having trouble stuffing that turkey and he's giving you the blues and you want to graduate to bigger turkeys heres what you gotta do
pick up the phone tell mom your all alone and you need help stuffing this slaver of a turkey cause it's a life of crime stuffing turkeys done dirt cheap
okay enough of the little parts pulled from the songs time for big jack...or...fill in the blank
The gnome is a burning
turkey' up and down the line
The pot is getting ready
He's been sporking it so hard
When it comes to nomming'
Big turk is on his way
spork of sparkisfaction
His gnome is going on
I'm like a bad sporkender
Smoking holy stuffing
He's a big gnometender
Look out for turk
He's on his way
Big turk
Big turk
You know it's only sporkanal
He gets you up to mongooses
Big turk
Big turk
You've spork a gnomeputation
You really got the cat
Big turk
Big turk
He sporked that he's the only one
Who got a full belly
Big turke
Look out turk
He's always sporking at your back
You never leave a dollar
sporking up the balls
You like to spork it on fast
Back there sporking tall
When he sporks the siren
He's gonna put you on the gnomes
He sporked a bad reputation
Climbing all over the ferrets
Gonna press the flesh
sporking' gnomin' soldier
He's the last of them all
Well tell turk
He's sporking on his way
Big turk
Big turk
You gnome it's only natural
To get you up to spork
Big turk
Big turk
sporking into trouble
Got to spork the other way
Big turk
Big turk
Always like to sporky
And he likes the gnomes to spork
Big turk
Look out turk
He's always sporking at your gnome
Big turk
Big turk
You gnome it's only sporktural
To gnome you up to spork
Big turk
Big turk
You've got a sporkputation
sporkly got the knack
Big turk
Big turk
He sporked she ain't the only gnome
That got a full belly
Big turk
Look out turk
gnome no need to worry
gnomes always at your spork
all right now I am done my brain hurts and my fingers hurt from typing all this out remember rat crew the wolf is not insane but really really awesome
spork ya all later
Akayla 1991 stream online svenska undertext
5 years ago
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