I understand others in this blog are also having issues of their own, and I probably shouldn't be whining about anything.. But, I'm having a dilemma... I wrote out a little e-mail that I'm debating on sending to my friend. Not the one who's leaving at the end of the year, but the one who told me that all I did was whine about shit. So.. Here it is, I guess I just need someone to proofread it for me, so I know if I need to think it through a little more or even just leave it alone.
"I really miss talking to you as a friend.. I miss all the fun chats and such we used to have together. However, a real friend wouldn't say what you did. I understand that I was in the wrong to just go invisible on an alt like that, but you were also in the wrong for what you said and it hurt. Really it did. So, with that being said, I don't know if I still want to be friends, knowing that you possibly won't listen to me if I need someone to talk to. I may be the bitch in thinking so, but I'd feel a lot better if there was an apology somewhere. But, until then.. You won't be hearing from me for a long time, so enjoy your life without my friendship in it."
So, yeah... With that said, I'm gonna go climb up a tree or something. Shame all the trees around my area aren't climbable. Wait, one is! But, it's hard to get up that damn thing AND it's a cotton tree. Awww cruel, cruel irony! I'm allergic to the cotton trees... Eehhh...
Akayla 1991 stream online svenska undertext
5 years ago
Personally, I wouldn't start with an "I miss you" type thing cos you kinda start giving your friend the wrong impression of what your intention is if you know what I mean. Kinda contradicting yourself and switching gears a little too quickly and dramatically. I'd start off with a "so I've been doing some thinking...".
Just a little pointer for you lol.
first off I agree with aj start it off with I been thinking and yes I agree it's a good letter second off heres a laugh the word I have to type in to verfiy is rantiful rofl but rica chin up are they truely your friend when they slowly start to betray you
Yeah. As far as I know, she can't back out of this due to the whole pay before, reserve a spot sort of thing. But, yeah, I'm definitely not going to be all I miss you and such BEFORE she heads out there. That would make her not want to go even more since I'm practically her only friend and all. Soo.. Yeah. I hope things get better. Thank you for the encouraging chatter and what-not. :)
LOL@Wolf.. That's funny. Ventiful? HA. Funny. x3
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