It has been a long time since I posted anything...and I noticed not many rats are posting anymore either..
what comes out of life let it be misery or let it be pain, no parent wants to bury there kids and no child wants to lose a parent let it be through divorce or by death alone.
What goes around comes around...but I am not one to say many wonder why I am so caring so wise to my words.
If you want to know all my life not once did I ever hear any words of encouragement or care from anybody in my family, now let it be a lesson learned...what happens to children that are never shown the good graces in life ...never shown one ounce of love only taught to hate....only taught to fend for them selves....they grow spiteful maybe even angry or whichever.
A person becomes worn out sooner or later after seeing nothing good come out of life becoming fearful of any sort of praise they get in life...not fully understanding why people say there proud of what ever they do...the reason behind that
real family true blood born family never giving out praise or anything destroys the human mind,soul,mental and emotional thoughts
what good comes out of it but either a extremely bad egg that rebels and stirs up trouble and has a criminal record longer then a football field or a chip on the shoulder teen with a lot of grudges against life.
now yeah I heard it half a dozen times YOU CANNOT choose your parents yet your stuck with them love them or not...some peoples parents have some rather horrible parenting skills and some rather horrible ways of teaching there kids.
what good does ignoring a child all there life causes a barrier of damage when this child grows causes causes pure war zone ...drop the nukes Hiroshima
now there must be reason behind this large deep something must be behind it type rant....there is no reason this is me speaking my own mind...I tend to keep my life rather private...rather quiet...rather hidden and unknown
all because I am very un trusting of people .....tell ya this much if I can talk to you for more then five mins your lucky that means I trust you ...if I don't I won't say much around you.
other then that sometimes you wonder where life will take ya so many twists and turns and dead ends...
to all you rats going off to college or just graduated from highschool...congrats I wish you best of luck for your future and your up an coming life.
because some of us can achieve greatness while some of us are stuck in a pain body always fighting day to day to make it past one day in life
this is the probably the deepest rant I have ever written for a blog...but things had to be said...and I will try to post more.
Akayla 1991 stream online svenska undertext
5 years ago
*hugs* I really do love you big sis and you know you inspire me alot and I look up to you. You've been through a bunch of shit in your life and have still managed to stay strong and humble throughout it.
-Your bouncy lil sister pie hehe. :)
Like you always tell me that keeps me going.. Keep yer chin up. :) Things have to get worse before they can get better. Sadly, part of life. But, I agree with AJ, you've been going through a lot and you've also been doing well on keeping your cool. Well, as far as I know anyway since ya know, I don't live near ya or anything like that. x.x But, keep it up and things will more than likely get better.
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