Just a fair warning... Do not eat, drink, or hold the urge to answer the call of the wild before reading this next post... You'll fail miserably... Anyway, happy reading! :D
Wack a Grunny... THE VIDEO GAME! Impress your friends! Impress your lady friend *wiggle brow* if you have one that is. THE VIDEO GAME THAT MAKES YOU FEEL LESS TERRIBLE ABOUT YOURSELF BECAUSE IT'S A VIDEO GAME!
Side affects include and are not limited to: Feeling bad for yourself, anal seepage, Emo-like tendencies, wanting to go outside and paint a bunny green just to wack it, losing your mental state, runny nose, itchy eyes, seeing a long dead celebrity in your fridge, vomiting, vomiting blood, phlegm seepage, rash and all around bleeding.
***It would be best if the game was never, ever made...***
Akayla 1991 stream online svenska undertext
5 years ago
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