Rica Squirreleigh Gray
Oh nuuuuuu! x.x
Julie Wolf Leong
Don't worry I already wacked one
Rica Squirreleigh Gray
Grunny: *twitch twitch bleed bleeeeed* Wh-whyyyy? x0x;
Julie Wolf Leong
*looks around and pokes the said grunnY* ....uh oh *nudges a little with foot paw* .....CHIT
Rica Squirreleigh Gray
You killed it! You actually, actually KILLED it! That poor little thing! o:
Julie Wolf Leong
I swear they where attacking me...and one even peed on my leg...*looks around for a shovel....oh wait it's tiny enough,picks up grunny and dumps it in the toilet and flushes it* ......FOOK *jiggles handle and grabs the plunger*
you well not stay around as evidence
Rica Squirreleigh Gray
Lmfao!! ...o.o SHIIIIIT! You clogged the tooooiiileeeeet! xD
Julie Wolf Leong
uggh I did...HOLY CHIT theres another grunny *WACK*....dang where are these coming from like holy fook.....what the you shall not lunge at me *swings*
oh umm sorry *brushes self off* I did not clog the toilet it was that evil prunny
Rica Squirreleigh Gray
Grunny abuse! Grunny abuse!! Wait... .0.;; Prunny? UH-OH!! *pulls out a lead pipe and starts swinging*
Julie Wolf Leong
0.o holy fook you just splatted that prunny >.<>
Rica Squirreleigh Gray
*blinks* ...Oh holy crap... *looks to the splattered Prunny on the wall* SHIT! ...Umm... Whoops... *slowly passes Draino and throws the lead pipe it smacking into another Grunny's head knocking it clean off* ...I'm just going to sit on my hands now...o.0;;
Julie Wolf Leong
*looks around and gathers up the grunny bodies and tosses the prunny's into the wastepaper basket*
and today we hold victory over the mass of grunnies that tried to attack...and with that I turned those oh so cute vicious grunnies into a shirt...I am so going to wear it now *looks into the toilet* expect for that grunny he's to urr soggy to be part of the great grunny shirt making
Rica Squirreleigh Gray
*peeks into the toilet and twitches and lurches* FLUSH IT FLUSH IIIT!! *flails* Make me one! :P
Julie Wolf Leong
*face palms* you have to go on your own grunny hunt I got these with my own two paws you got that my own...*watches the grunny flush away*
Rica Squirreleigh Gray
*watches it swirl down the drain* Aww for real? No fair... :( ...lol
(Hey all this is the wolf thought I add in a comment,yes this was addd in from facebook because that was my status about grunny attacks to explain how the status commenting started I provided a pic below of my current Gaia Avator)
[Squirrel here!! It's safe to say that we have nothing better to do with our time AND have way too much time on our paws. Gotta admit though, it's funny, huh? Cruel, but funny.]
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