Well, here I am to post so my coffee isn't stolen from under my nose. However, my coffee pot decided to stop working this morning... Sucks. Might have to get a new one or settle with a little four cup maker.
Went grocery shopping this morning at Sam's club--NO COFFEE. Made me sad. Very sad. So then had to go to one of the Wal-marts to get coffee from McDonalds. UGH.
Like a suu~rge~een...
Sorry. Not very random today. Stupid ipod isn't working!! Oh, on a happier note--got my computer cleaned entirely. SUCCESSFULLY this time. So much free space. Had to of course re-download practically half the shit I had yesterday before the clean.
I'd be putting more of my good mp3s on my hard drive atm if my ipod would work. Just stays in "do not disconnect" mode.
You all didn't invite me into your blog to rant about stupid stuff that goes on in my day. You invited me for squirrel randomness. Which--I sadly, can't provide today. Maybe tomorrow. Or the day after. Dunno.
Bastard Sam's club and their lack of coffee.... Pfft. I'll kick their coffee hating behinds. They don't even sell Maxwell House brand coffee! ;3; COMMUNISTS!! *shakes fists into the air angrily*
Buh-bye for now
Akayla 1991 stream online svenska undertext
5 years ago
1 comment:
rofl...dude how can there be ANY place in the world without coffee? Don't they know that there's alot of people who need it to survive? :P
And hey it's ok, rant all you want lol. Us rats don't mind ranting at all
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