This journey we call life is certainly not an easy one. It has it's ups and downs. Good times and bad times. Life is like a roller coaster. At times it can be like a freaking stomach dropping, death defying Six Flags number, other times it can be a merely mellow childern's ride that can put you to sleep or piss you off because it's so boring. Sometimes the ride can be so overwhelming and intense that it will make you lose your lunch and think about pulling the emergency stop button. The only problem is that life doesn't come with an emergency stop. There really is no way of exiting the ride until you reach the end. Unless of course, you decide to squeeze yourself out of the restraints, but let's not even go there.
What is the true meaning of life you may ask. Well, there really is no exact answer. And no answer is right or wrong either. In fact, everybody has their own differents answers. Life is not something that is quatitative and can be measured like mathematics. It depends purely upon the individual. Two people can have drastically different views based upon their own personal values and experiences. There is absolutely nothing wrong with having different views than somebody else. Everybody experiences the ride differently. Some may be scared by it and others may be amused. Whatever your reaction though, just sit back and enjoy the ride. You only get one ticket so you might as well just let it thrill you and chill you, instead of hating it.
Akayla 1991 stream online svenska undertext
5 years ago
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