+*~!:Laurbear:!~*+ says:
yea but it HURT YOU
+*~!:Laurbear:!~*+ says:
did you not read the part wher ei MADE AN ACCEPTION for you?
+*~!:Laurbear:!~*+ says:
or did you skim over that part?
Zach sees the world as a series of doors and hallways says:
Yes...yes it did hurt. and yes i did read that part... And it makes me so happy i can't belive it
+*~!:Laurbear:!~*+ says:
WHY did it hurt you though?
+*~!:Laurbear:!~*+ says:
i mean shit
+*~!:Laurbear:!~*+ says:
i told you all of this
+*~!:Laurbear:!~*+ says:
and it was hard as hell
+*~!:Laurbear:!~*+ says:
and then it ends up hurting you
Zach sees the world as a series of doors and hallways says:
I know....Its just....the idea of you....with.....It hurts....and theres no way its going to stop hurting for the forseable future....But I needed to hear that...I needed to know why...and...i accept them...
Zach sees the world as a series of doors and hallways says:
Thank you
Zach sees the world as a series of doors and hallways says:
can i see you?
+*~!:Laurbear:!~*+ says:
the idea of me with jamie hurts you?
Zach sees the world as a series of doors and hallways says:
Zach sees the world as a series of doors and hallways says:
its hard to explain
+*~!:Laurbear:!~*+ says:
then try
+*~!:Laurbear:!~*+ says:
i did
Zach sees the world as a series of doors and hallways says:
Can i see you first?
Zach sees the world as a series of doors and hallways says:
+*~!:Laurbear:!~*+ says:
+*~!:Laurbear:!~*+ says:
this is not a bargain
+*~!:Laurbear:!~*+ says:
you either tell me or you don't
Zach sees the world as a series of doors and hallways says:
I will
Zach sees the world as a series of doors and hallways says:
Okay, lets me try
Zach sees the world as a series of doors and hallways says:
You see. I love you, and the thought of someone else getting your love....it pains me...i know it was back then and i know your over him. And i know you can't love me right now. I accept that. Im so glad that your alright with me loving you. Its just the idea that you would willingly give someone what is as you've put it unlikely to ever happen, it hurts. the thought that you loved someone, and ca
+*~!:Laurbear:!~*+ says:
i never that it is unlikely to ever happen again
+*~!:Laurbear:!~*+ says:
i said NOW
Zach sees the world as a series of doors and hallways says:
n't love me, it hurts, but i don't blame you and i don't expact you to love me until your ready to, if that ever happens. And i meant with us.. not ever again, and i know not now, i would never expect that from you now. Does that clear things up at all?
+*~!:Laurbear:!~*+ says:
Zach sees the world as a series of doors and hallways says:
+*~!:Laurbear:!~*+ says:
Zach sees the world as a series of doors and hallways says:
you asked "and?" im asking the same
+*~!:Laurbear:!~*+ says:
since thats a really good reason to ask it
Zach sees the world as a series of doors and hallways says:
Zach sees the world as a series of doors and hallways says:
i want to know what you think about it
+*~!:Laurbear:!~*+ says:
i understand why you're pained by jamie and i
but at the same time
i find it ridculous
Akayla 1991 stream online svenska undertext
5 years ago
1 comment:
Hate to say it but he is insecure you are not ready for a relationship you still need to heal and you two act like you both need couples counseling lol Loves you laur just remember follow your heart
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