This is a funny story that happened to me last week.
I was riding home with one of my friends. Her mom was driving and she decided to be in the back seat (my friend) with her dog, while I was up front. Well, we stopped at a stoplight and the next thing I know, about four or five teenage guys in the car beside us, blaring their music, were laughing and such. Well, I hear one of them yell out, "HEY HOMIIIEEE!" then they all start laughing again. (I had my window down) They pull up a little further and a couple seconds later or so, they scream, "HEY BABAAYYYY!" realizing that I wasn't a boy. I was a girl. I'm laughing, not making any eye contact and slowly roll my window up.
It was funny.
Akayla 1991 stream online svenska undertext
5 years ago
Rofl oh man, I've had that happen to me a few times. It's so amusing haha. I was talking to this one girl online and for a whole week she was hitting on me cos she thought I was a guy but then freaked out and pretty much quit talking to me when she actually realized I'm not a hot dude :P
I've had that happen once or twice online. Only once, it was me doing the flirting and realized that the girl was a guy lol needless to say I stopped talking to that guy real quick.
haha oh god, that would have been so terrible
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