....I was digging around in the zombie ate my goblins archives...thought I would share this ...since will I should post and be somewhat joyful.
What is a mook?
a mook tends to have a certain look
they act like monkeys and don't know how to cook
and they really like a book
and they would really like a book
about a nook
a mook is here and there
tend to be everywhere
in your house
in your home
You can even find them in rome
or the saddledome or even lacombe
mooks love to eat and have a treat
but not be on there feet all the time
A mook loves to be royal
never to foil in toil
and is very loyal to spongebob
maybe even be heard saying "trouble trouble toil and boil"
then can faintly be heard going who's toenail is this
oh how vile as they pile
heck they even like shiny tiles
and then they are gone just like that
no not nestling away in bacon fat
For a mook is secretly out there hiding among the gnomes
safely tucked away in our homes
Akayla 1991 stream online svenska undertext
5 years ago
I don't think I want to know what a mook is. o-0;
rofl...it's whatever your imagination dreams it to be.
AJ is correct
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