Don't mind me err just sitting here dripping wet in towels...yes I know I'm a soggy pie, but the soggy pie needs a little ranter banter time.
So first of all about a week ago, I'm just relaxing enjoying a leisurely long, hot shower when I hear my stepmom hollering out my name. I was thinking in the back of my mind "oh great, what did I forget to do now?" Two seconds I hear her stomping up the stairs and she bursts into my room and slams open my bathroom door while I'm still in the shower (yes she has absolutely no respect for my personal privacy and it drives me gnome-nuts). Her shirt is half soaked and her face is a fuming red balloon. She then demands that I turn off the shower and get out. She proceeds to yell at me because apparently there is a great big pool of water in the basement right below where my shower is and the ceiling is soaking wet and obviously water damaged. And even worse, this happened while she was on the exercise bike and the water rained down right on top of her. I appologize for what happened and try not to laugh, although in reality the situation isn't that funny because I'm now going to be showerless for lord knows how long. Ok now you're all thinking "eww stinky pie can't bathe." Nah it's not really that bad...yet.
I now have the *cough* pleasure of using the basement shower. Now let me tell you, that thing is a mean monster. It bit my hand the first time I went to close the door, rendering my left thumb almost unusable. The thumb has since recovered though, thank god. But let me tell you, the shower has a mind of it's own. The door is clear glass and every time you go to open it, it bangs into the toilet or your leg if you're not so lucky. I swear to god, it's just gonna shatter on me one of these days and make me bleed to death. Also, the door does not have a very tight seal on it and it freaking leaks all over the place. Today I stepped out of the shower only to find the bathroom floor one large puddle which I nearly slipped and broke my arse in. It also takes forever for the water to heat up to a bearable temperature. Imagine, when the temperature is the basement is about 10 degrees, hopping into the shower to escape the chillies only to be sprayed by icy cold water. Grrr let me tell you, it is not in the least bit pleasant and relaxing.
Ok enough about the demon shower, now for the toilet. Well the toilet got plugged once again and I had to reach for the plunger and start plunging. This toilet is so gross though cos every time you go to plunge it, it burps back icky toilet water right in your face. That comode cannot take a very large load because even the slightest bit of toilet paper has it nearly choking to death and exploding all over the place. Thank god it's never spilled it's contents on to the floor and I really hope that it never does.
Ok I think I'm done now with my bathroom rambling. Pie's out.
Akayla 1991 stream online svenska undertext
5 years ago
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