Okay, here's the scenario... A friend of mine is coming up from Fountain to my area, to help my clingy friend with her dog situation. This dog is well behaved, but has her quirks. Such as...
-Sock snatching/chewing
-Grass munching (excessively)
Basically, puppy quirks. But here's the thing, I know exactly why her dog is chewing on the grass but I can't do anything about it 'cause my friend doesn't do the right thing to stop it. What I did a couple weeks ago was this...
-Dog would munch on the grass
-CLAP MY HANDS + loud sound
-Bring her away from that area for about 10sec
-Bring her back
If it started again, I'd repeat the process. Now, this dog is SMART. She learned that after a couple times, maybe three times of doing that, she wasn't supposed to just munch grass out of boredom. However, this stopped when my friend got the leash again.
So, my friend, who's been training dogs her entire life basically, is coming up to observe the dog's behavior AND my friend's behavior. Now, like I said before, I know EXACTLY why this dog is doing all these things. Because my friend is being lazy. Whenever we sit at a park, this dog is forced to sit in one spot. My friend doesn't get up and move around.
"Walks" are considered taking the dog out to poo and whiz and that's it.
Her excuse for not taking her dog on a walk is, "There are other dogs in the neighborhood and other things that will make it difficult to walk my dog," Uh-huh... It's called ELECTRIC FENCES.
Anyway... Now, about the SOCK snatching habit. The trainer before my friend, let this dog and her litter mates chew and play with socks. So, that would explain why she's chewing on socks. I just hope my friend will LISTEN to what my other friend (who's coming up to help) has to say.
Now, onto the mean person thing... I warned my friend, the clingy one, that if she doesn't heed this friend's advice then she'll probably verbally rip into her. Was that mean to say? I should have asked this a WHILE back but wanted to explain the situation. However, the situation was FAR too long. Soo... Skimming would be the best thing to do about now. So... Am I a mean person for telling her to listen otherwise she'll be ripped a new asshole? Well, I didn't say that exactly. But, still, you get the jest...
I don't think I'm a mean person. But I also told this friend that I won't be able to stop my other friend from reaming her if that be what she wants to do at that given moment. I'm not her keeper. I'm not going to say, "You have to be nice to her because of her disability," NO. My clingy friend has to deal with the good and the bad. Just because she can't handle much emotionally, doesn't mean everybody has to treat her like she's a little princess.
Okay, I'm done now. Seriously. I was about to go on a rant. I'll save that for another blog or something. Might even save you all the torment of my chatter and do it in another blogger entirely. ANYWAY... DONE.
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5 years ago