I got a spoon I got a fork quick get in the cutlery drawer and make me some baby sporks
you know what I have decided today that houses should be made out of gingerbread with icing trimming oh and chocolate shingles why a gingerbread house you ask cause will okay folks refrain your selves from eating your own house I know it smells yummy and everything but don't eat your house.
The weather would be perfect you got that not to hot not to cold just righ there in the middle
O_O so a house made out of gingerbread and gnome catching traps all around
knowing those vile gnomes they will magically turn the gingerbread houses into organic or *shudder* soy houses
now how vile and disgusting is that just ugggh O_o
You know what else I have decided that with or with out my sanity im still will im still.......a oddball hyperactive dingledork wuffie
*grins* I think I have run out of things to rant about can't ya all see that maybe one day I will be sane oh ever so sane then you will be force to steal my sanity yet again
Blast the mongoose mafia,the gnomes, and the ever so penguins that claimed to steal my sanity
Im out I shall post again sometime for now don't shed a tear cause it's over be happy I haven't made you bend over in laughter tell you pissed your self yet
*calmly walks out the door*
Akayla 1991 stream online svenska undertext
5 years ago
1 comment:
"Calmly"? Lmao uh-huh. When hyper, there's never calm. Or even when random, calm is never in the equation. x3 Goofy, goofy wolf...
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