Okay, so, I thought things were getting somewhat better with my friend, who has the mental disorder, but I was wrong. SO wrong. Her birthday is coming up tomorrow and she's depressed because everybody else has lives or work and can't take time off to hang out with her on the day of her b-day. So I'm thinking... She's acting a bit selfish. Here's one of the things she said to me.
"but you know.....it does hurt that it's taken so lightheartedly by everyone...my order was you and alyssa, then possibly kari and adam then the toughy would've been take along jenn or take along katie...cause they don't get along. but i at least wanted you and alyssa and it appears i'm just not on the priority list on my B-day. now i'm not moping i'm just stating facts."
Uh-huh, I hear moping shortly after that... And then nothing but moping. So, I think she's acting rather selfish about this whole ordeal. She'd be even more upset if I had a job and couldn't hang out with her. But, now I'm not sure I even WANT to hang out with her if she's going to act like this.
I try and give her my advice, help her feel better but that door just gets slammed in my face. Right in my face. Here's another thing that really got me.
"they can sure try to make time for me...lord knows they barely do."
"i have no clue why katie decided to contact me after 7 months i tried to be there for her on her b-day and apparently i screwed things up for everyone."
Honestly, I think she's just acting like a little whiny brat who's being selfish. I mean, I'd not be so upset if "hardly anyone" wished me a happy birthday on my birthday. I get about... Two or three people wishing me a happy birthday. My extended family is far to extended to remember everyone's birthdays. And here she is going on and on and on about how it sucks and how it hurts. Do you see me complaining about it? NO.
I'm sure everyone has their moments of complaints when it comes to something so special as a birthday, but the least she could do is be thankful she's alive. Sorry, more of her complaints...
"this year is screwed over to begin with...it's been nothing but borderline divorces, death, and of course the occasional yelling obscenely like when mom told me to get the fuck outta her room.... last week... i feel fat, unwanted by many and alone... the one good thing is i get stuff and money for my birthday but that can only go so far before i get lonely again."
And there's nothing I can say to help her feel better because I hate to say it, some of these things she's hit the nail on the head. She IS a little overweight, but that's not my fault now isi t?
My only complaint is...
I'M A FUCKING HUMAN BEING I CAN ONLY DO SO MUCH!!! Sheesh... It's like she's asking far too much out of me then goes and says, "I'm just wanting a friend," uh-huh... There's nothing I can say but let her vent and when it's venting, it sounds like complaining. And since I've been doing a lot of that lately, I'm tired of hearing it from others. I need a fucking break!
A FUCKING BREAK! Okay... I think it's all out of my system now... I'm done. Thank you for reading/skimming. Or even just seeing that it's there. Thank you. I needed to relieve a bit of steam.
Akayla 1991 stream online svenska undertext
5 years ago
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