Life has gotten so much better since I stopped talking to one of my friends. Haven't gotten irritated or anything the past... Umm... Three weeks, I think? But, I have however, been feeling rather suffocated and smothered by my other friend. She's been wanting me to spend so much time with her, that I haven't had a day to myself since Sunday. Well, with the exception of last night. Slept in my own bed and it felt GUD. Other than that, stop smothering me so much! x.x
I know she has this mental disorder, but daaaamn cut me some slack! Heh, I made her quiet for about five minutes today.
We saw two homeless guys on the street today while heading to another friend's house and she said, "Man, it makes me mad that people take advantage of other people's good nature like that," then said, "You know half of them do that to make money," and I said, "Well, think about it this way," (I could be wrong on this, I don't know) "Well, if the the economy goes anymore down the crapper, all the tax payers money will soon go to those who either refuse to work or those who can't work and there will be no reason to work at all," and she paused and just stopped talking for about five minutes 'cause she knows that some of the tax payer's money is going to her and her "inability to work".
Made me think, "Wow, hit the nail on the head on that one,"
It was freaking 90 degrees Fahrenheit outside today! I felt like friggen squirrel soup! x.x; Even on the highway at 75mph I had the window rolled down and my head out the window. I mean DAMN. Due to my friend's car being in the heat all afternoon, the internal thermometer said 100 degrees. I was all, "HOLY SHIT,"
ANYWAY... DONE. Hee... Peace fellow squeakers. *SQUEAK*
Akayla 1991 stream online svenska undertext
5 years ago
1 comment:
*bouncy bounce squueeaaak!*
*goes into long ramble about economics but is too lazy to type it out*
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