All right to explain this I am semi back but I return..I do play this game online called wonderland online it's really weird spoken in broken english in some parts.
So to explain this when I started the game I registered my self for Libra server
which strange as it is there are some arseholes that scam players for there equips,gold or other items....It got so bad one day I ended up saying this in guild chat.
Libra is falling down,falling down
beware the noobers all they do is scam and scam
Their even full of spam
lets make them meet my fair whomper (sidenote here the whomper or fugly whomper as most call it is really a heavy spear in wonderland and it's the equip I have)
there they fall sticks and stones
Break some bones
Whomping is never fair,never fair
stop complaining or you shall get a swift swipe from the whomper
....and yeah that's where I promptly ended it kinda of
cause then I started up with the whole
why I should just udderly call the Madcow moofia to get rid of the idiots
why yes such as things like are you udderly insane you want to bring out the cowtapult and launch it at the milk maidens.
that sounds cheesely evil
wumpscut x.X launch the manure makers now
no.....chit you just dropped that cow like way to go mooinstien
...are you laughing yet...has you brain went...POP
darn guess not *snatches up a few calfs*
Hasta la moosta mootherfooker
okay ...I think i should stop now...before I get charged as a moodurer
for making the fellow rats laugh them selves to death.
....okay one last one...or two...or eleventeen
I am count moocula from moosavainla
now let me rest in my moofin before the the milk maidens arrive
to milk me x.x....that's it that's all
spork you very much the master of sporkaster leaves you all with the post of mooderate laughter
Akayla 1991 stream online svenska undertext
5 years ago