Sorry about the long random poem. Thought about how many friends I'm losing to lack of communication or getting relationships. This poured out last week and I just kept writing and writing. Adding onto it as I kept thinking. I called it, "My friend," but, that'll be evident.
Friends we are,
Friends we were,
But through the dark,
I see no light.
No positive,
No negative,
You've grown distant,
My friend,
I can't see your light,
I see nothing.
My friend,
Where have you gone?
Where am I now?
Where are you?
My dear friend,
Things aren't the same,
Where is my hero?
The one who said it would be okay?
Where is my light?
My friend?
A thousand words wouldn't be enough,
To bring you back.
My friend,
You're gone.
But my friend,
Life isn't easy,
This is clear now.
You've taken,
A bit of me,
With you.
Without you my friend,
Storms rumble,
Lightning flashes,
Showing me nothing.
It's stupid sometimes,
My friend,
How life can change,
With the blink of an eye.
Leaving me alone,
Without you,
My friend.
Without you,
My friend,
My life is broken,
Like puzzle pieces.
Where are you,
To put the puzzle together again?
My friend,
You're gone.
I've cut those strings,
You're free,
No longer a dove.
You're free...
My friend,
I've set you free.
So, yeah, don't mind that. Just a random poem I felt like sharing, just in case anybody saw my newest status update. That's where I got it from. The last little bit, I added as I was typing it out.
I've lost so many friends. But, thus is life, right? If they're true, they'll stick by you to the end, no matter the distance between them. I feel I have quite a few true and good friends, so I shouldn't worry about those that I've lost throughout my life, right? Screw
Akayla 1991 stream online svenska undertext
5 years ago
Very true...true friends will stick by your side no matter what even if you do lose communication, as I have learned with recent events in my life.
Which btw *tackles you to the ground and gives you a big pie hug*
*yipes and flails* PIE ATTACK PIE ATTACK! PIE ATTAAAACK! ...That sounds wrong... Piiiieeee... *lick* o.o Hi. *hugs back*
And yes, friends who are true, stick by you like glue.
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