Rawr rawr rawr, quit poking me...
Ohh all right *yawns and stretches crust and shakes off a few stray flakes*.
*rolls out of oven* oof!
*gets up and dusts off more flakes only to fall and splat into the wall*
Fine, fine ok ya got me. It’s been a while hasn’t it?
We have late breaking news here...The pie has finally emerged from it s oven after a very long period of pie-bernation. It has very much missed its fellow rats and their epic cheesiness.
Now what has this pie been up to you may ask? Well let’s just say it is far too much to merely list in this blog *pulls out giant roll of parchment paper* What? It’s the only decent paper you can find in a bakery.
You see, this pie has been one very busy being. It has quickly turned into quite the party pastry venturing away from its own familiar bakery into new bouncing grounds and has met many, many new creatures along the way. No, it has most certainly not forgotten about its beloved rat family, it still holds them near and dear in its filling and that won’t change. It doesn’t have nearly as much time under its tin as it used to. For that it feels guilty and apologizes greatly and will try and post more often.
Akayla 1991 stream online svenska undertext
5 years ago
*chuckles* Did you have to think about any of that at all? Or did it just flow like pie filling?
Good to have you back. :]
woo hoo the pie is back
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