Jealousy is probably one of the worst of human emotions next to anger and pain. I always wonder why we feel this emotion... And when we do, why we act so harshly. Again, probably just in the human nature... But, I still wonder why. Why? Often times jealousy rears it's ugly head when it doesn't need to. Or we tell ourselves that, to make ourselves feel better. I often times do that... But like I said, human nature, so that's to be expected, right? More like a doi moment there... Anyway, don't know why I decided to bring it up. Probably 'cause I'm feeling that emotion right now.
Hate it.
Hate jealousy.
Hate people. Okay, hate is a strong word for that... Strongly dislike. There we go, strongly dislike other people.
Okay, I was about to go on into people and how I dislike them, but I won't. Again, I don't even know why I brought up the whole jealousy thing. Oh well. A reason to post right? I HATE PMS. Now THAT I CAN use the word hate. 'Cause I do hate it. The whole monthly time.
Gross, painful and annoying. But, it let's me know that I'm alive and I can still feel 'cause there are certain days where I just feel so mentally numb... UGH. DONE. Sorry.
Akayla 1991 stream online svenska undertext
5 years ago
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