What about ducks ....there is nothing wrong with being a little ducky at times.
So there fore I ratticus von cheesebottom shall now claim the status of duck...why a duck because we can fly and quack and ....now I am hungry for some duck.
Enough about the ducks do you dare laugh at me, I say not for I have the power of milk to toss at you
come on bessie shoot milk at them....no don't make butter....ewww nevermind sour milk bombs ahoy.
I hope this got some of you laughing for I can not sleep and this just a random post of moo evil
Akayla 1991 stream online svenska undertext
5 years ago
I am the master of sporkaster you know I tend to make people go...the fook
rawr that just gave me a mad craving for duck risotto...
I win.....
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