Nearly got run off the road last night. It was amusing, kind of. The guy was an idiot. Though we were gonna yield to the jackass and let him keep going. He was going about 30mph on an on ramp whereas you're supposed to SPEED up typically. Well, he nearly ran my friend and I off the road 'cause we tried to go around him. This was before the two lanes merged into one. What a jackass...
Anyway! Had fun with my friend. Did lots of fun stuff. However, my ears bled quite a bit due to her niece who is such an effing drama queen. SERIOUSLY. You tell this 2yr old "no" and she'll scream and wail like you took away her favorite stuffed animal. Every single time, too. Oye... Like I said, my ears bled 'cause I gave them a quarter to get Skittles at Walmart well, the niece wanted the ones off the floor and when my friend took her away from that spot, we were in the little area before getting into the store and sound echoes in there. So, yeah... BLEEDING. I not only said that but, "I'm awake now,"
Sheesh, I'm never EVER having kids. NEVER.
Computer was dead but came back to life! This was spooky... The other day I looked into my Compaq user folder and nothing was in there. NOTHING. Nothing but the folder of the new name I gave my 'puter. But I check back yesterday and IT WAS THERE. So I'm all, "WTF?!" literally had a spazz attack I was so excited and confused.
But, if it's not one thing, it's another. My stupid camera memory card is acting up now. It won't work unless I format it. And there's no way in hell I'm gonna do that unless I can figure out another way. Wuff why can't I get to you? I'd see if you can help since you have a lot more tech smarts and such than I do. x3x;; Urrff... Not only that, but I'd let ya mess around with my hair.
Did that come out wrong? Oh well. I'm kind of hyper.
HYPER. No more Pepsi for squirrel past 6PM... NO MORE. Take it all away! Give squirrel caffeine free soda for this late at night. xAx;;
FAIR WARNING... There WILL be random bursts of energy. And they will be intense at times. A lot of them might not be, but you never know with how much effing wrath fills me each and every day. Ooookay that one sounded wrong too. JEEZ. xO
What's wrong with the squirrel? What? I don't know, was hoping you could tell me. I already know EVERYTHING is wrong, tell me something I don't know! x.x; PWEEAAASEUUHH.
CHITTER! ....o.o Hiii... Hihi... DONE. BAAAIIIIIIIIhdmeiapovanbjk;adkjkjjjjjjjealflkdandjgmk378nhfjf:Kdsbje;kfnkjaf;gajb;eeeyiouvpNKl...
Akayla 1991 stream online svenska undertext
5 years ago
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