No nothing is burning what's so every....I might have burnt a little fur on me x.x mostly the hair on top my head from to much thinking.
The wolf needs sleep it's 2 something in the AM
Sleep is a wonderful tool
but the wolf is cool
no I am not acting like a fool
RAWR I craves....chocolate cream pie how dare you deny me some good pie
doot diddly doot doot can't wait to get a tin full oh it can be quite sinful
To spork or not to spork for....what was the gnoming question again?
Moooohahhahahaha excellent the uber sour milk bombs are ready light them up and launch them with the cowtapult what was that smell >.> bad mayo and eggs?
funky at least wait....maybe it's rotting mango
aggghhhh fruit flies quick get the spray no....not olive oil I need bug spray
>.> fruit salad? from outter space !!!!!!
okay nearly 2:30 AM and I am rambling about the contents of my stomach *shifty eyes* it be growling
oh rumbly grumbly be quiet stomach
Remember Sporks r us if we can't spork it you get 50% off on your next chance on the wheel of sporktune
that is all that is it.....I need to figure out a way to sleep before I leave even more weird ramblings
Spork you all later pssst don't let the mongoose mafia get ya *falls down trap door*
Akayla 1991 stream online svenska undertext
5 years ago
rawr god damn you sister wolf...this sleeplessness is contagious! Have you been casting weird sportuals on my tin again...
no I have not
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