Do I dare say it ....oh I do dare say it Rica is squirrely yes she is squrirely she isn't a furby but she's oh so squirrel yeah that's right and imported from the kacheeka islands ^.^ comes a new brand of coffee.
Brought to you daily by SPOOTS INC that's right it's brewed by squirrel made for squirrels
there is nothing greater in the morning then a fresh cup of coffee.
While yes sadly Ricas is not yet ready enough to handle the CAFFEINE of champions cause her caffeine tanks are low so very low that you can't see them yet while I the wolf *smirks* has a might tank of doom you hear me DOOOOOOOM
Guess what I am writing this post and I have count with me ZERO coffee that is correct dear rats of the blog I have nada,zilch, the big fat zero in caffeine intake today.
I shall now leave you all with rica started it yesterday
They see me grabbin
They hatin
Patrolling they tryin to catch me grabbin booty
Tryin to catch me grabbin booty
Tryin to catch me grabbin booty
Tryin to catch me grabbin booty
Tryin to catch me grabbin booty
Akayla 1991 stream online svenska undertext
5 years ago
ZOMGAS. xD That's funny! And you know what? I read it all aloud. Until I got to the song at the end, I couldn't 'cause I was laughing so hard. Only 'cause I imagined a little music video of squirrels and wolves grabbing booty going, "GRABBY, GRABBY, GRABBY!!!"
ROFL if you totally lived near me we could so totally do that lol that's awesome
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