Rica Gray
ROFL... No more caffeine for you. *boogies all the caffeine and hoards it* Mine. MINE MINE MINE MINE MIIIINE. *chitters and sits on the caffeine only to yipe and flail* HOT HOT HOT BURNS THE BUM SQUIRREL BUM ON FIRE OW OW OW BURN BUTT BURRRRNS. *noms... the coffee* MINE. Mmm squirrel boogies nom nom yum. *shares?* ....xD
Julie Wolf Leong
HA I got the last laugh I have a extra storage of coffee you can keep the booger filled one cause as I said you seem like a sick little narwhal and you can has your own area back...BACK I SAY to your confined bubble where I shall commense with the w...rapping of you in bubble wrap and duct tape .....oooo look a hill BAHAHAHA time to play roll the squirrel down the hill time
Rica Gray
LOL Nuuuuu! Hills are my worst enemy aside from big bag ugly toad sized spiders! Nooooo wheeee nooo it's not fun but wheee! COFFEE!! Waaaaaant *chews on the bubbles and pops them all before reaching the bottom of the hill* I will find that stash.... I WILL. And when I DO. I'll BOOGER it up too. NOM NOM NOM NOM NARWHAAAAAAAL OF WOO. Only one cup of coffee, can ya believe that? *chitter*
Julie Wolf Leong no you shall not ...really one cup? wow your caffeine tolerance is low getme LOOOOOOWWWWW you need to up the anti and drink more then you gain the I'm half immune I can drink it past this time and still go to bed
Julie Wolf Leong *SLURPS* YOU TASTE LIKE CAFFINE rawr *bounces*
Rica Gray
CAFFEINE HOLY CRAP HOLY NARWHALS 'N FUDGEBUTTER WOOOOOOOO!! Holyyyyyy.... Mmmmmmonkey buttssssss! Did you know that if you run over a squirrel, somewhere in the world a nerd gets laid. Please, please think of the squirrels. And if you have glowi...ng meats, please seek a physician for it could cause narwhal cancer. Side affects include: Nausea, running trots, runs, and uncontrollable urges for caffeine and burping. :D :D :D
Julie Wolf Leong OH HOLY CHIT you series narwhal meat cancer x.x oh dear no more booty grabbing if that is the common side effect of grabbing but ARRRR I must grabbith thy booty for it rains blue and green wooooo MUTHA FACKO I just dunked a squirrel in caffiene *LICKS* you taste like pixie
Rica Gray
OH NOOOOOOOO. Pixie is the other side affect of booty grabbing narwhal cancer! We've been infected! OH NOOOOO! What shall we do? Wait, dunked in coffee? YUM! I wanna bathe in moooooore and then we'll sell it back at a higher price than Star...bucks! We'll say it's imported from umm... Umm... Um... Don't know, we'll say it's imported from somewhere, and really really good and then they'll drink it and they'll get urges to BOOTY GRAB AND GET NARWHAL CANCER... Well, they'll only get the grabbing cancer, the urge to grab booties on the street. BUT, if they're NARWHALS, then they're screwed. BURP. Ahh... ♥
Julie Wolf Leong oh spazz x.x that is a horrible to hear ^.^ lets say the coffee is imported from kacheeka islands and damn lol wth are we on like holy pirate booty
Rica Gray SPAZZY SPAZZY HOSHIIIIIIT Fudgiebuttuuuurrrrr. Yes, it will be imported from Kacheeka islands and they are the best coffee but really it's had squirrels marinating in it haha woooooo hyper... :D
Julie Wolf Leong O_O wow you are way ......waaaaaaaaaaaay to hyper ^.^ I likes I needs more coffee
Rica Gray
And you know the funny thing? It wasn't strong coffee either. Just shows you how coffee and caffeine affect this hyperactive squirrel. :D I'm tellin' ya, squirrel does NOT need caffeine at all. HEHEHEEHE.... YES... Coffee IS good. I ne...ed to go make something warm to drink... Maybe some freshly brewed imported Kacheeka coffee. :D At least I won't have to worry about itchy butt WOO!
Julie Wolf Leong
O-o Itchy butt? ....*hands you talcum powder* how dare you ...you forgot to protect the battle rear....yes I know we have the battle front covered but really come on DIAPER RASH BATTLE REAR it must not happen you can't just leave it out there flapping in the wind you can't leave it exposed for all to see protect your battle rear
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5 years ago
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