This, again, is what happens when a squirrel and a wolf have too much time on their paws. If anybody knows where to find decent lives and reasonable prices... Feel free to let us know, we'd love to find one or two and sell them back to others at higher prices. That's how the world rolls! Anyway, onto the randomness!!
§ilentwolf What you see here is just a illusion of your own mind says:
lol my eyes hurt from so much grabbin
яic@ says:
Watch you'll have messed up dreams about grabbing all kinds of booty and getting gold from it. I can see it now, walking down the street you see all kinds of little booties no those won't give gold then a BIG one and GRAB WHOOPS wrong booty!
§ilentwolf What you see here is just a illusion of your own mind says:
яic@ says:
And then you're chased to where you can climb a building like Spiderman and shoot gold from... Um... No, scratch that. THROW MONKEYS AT THEIR HEADS. BACK HETHANS! BACK!
...No, nothings wrong with me.
Everybody else would look at me and go Erica are you running a fever or something damn you're off
Heh whoa close friend of mine had a run in with a mama bear and two cubs a little bit ago
*waits for the story*
§ilentwolf What you see here is just a illusion of your own mind says:
oh god
your random like spootness
яic@ says:
...She's gonna think I'm nuts. I just said, "*puts on a random hat and calls it the story hat* Tell away story teller!"
I sure am
And once you get to the top of the building, 23 stories high, you throw more monkeys at their heads. However, these monkeys arse BIGGER and full of JELLO. So once they hit the victim's heads, SPLAT.
I told her, "Don't worry, everything is wrong with me. It's not life threatening,"
§ilentwolf What you see here is just a illusion of your own mind says:
ROFL oh damn this is hurting my sides I'm laughign that hard
яic@ says:
The remainder of the pie story! Hope you all remember this slice of random!
§ilentwolf What you see here is just a illusion of your own mind says:
so this pie just pulled the pie tin out of stone she proudly waved it around and then quickly coverd up hopping into the tin
goign I am the wonderpie for all of piealot to see
and then with one swoop and zap x.x all of piealot sees a cocoon
Hehe... Yeah. Well, that's not all of the random 'cause a lot of it was through voice chat. I'm tellin' ya, we need to record one or two of those voice chats briefly. Because they're so epically funny and random! Our sides were splitting at half the stuff that was randomly spewed out! WOWZAH. Okay, done now! Have fun!
Akayla 1991 stream online svenska undertext
5 years ago
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