§ilentwolf spork em if you got them says:
awww goes to bed
RiC@ says:
opens mouth like the evil cat from Azumanga then shakes her head and squeaks
§ilentwolf spork em if you got them says:
aww quit
§ilentwolf spork em if you got them says:
i gots a blowdryer §ilentwolf spork em if you got them says:
RiC@ says:
bites at hair dryer §ilentwolf spork em if you got them says:
ahhh no
RiC@ says:
RiC@ says:
flails arms §ilentwolf spork em if you got them says:
fear me §ilentwolf spork em if you got them says:
RiC@ says:
I fear no hair dryer!
§ilentwolf spork em if you got them says:
turns it on?
RiC@ says:
squeaks and floofs her tail
RiC@ says:
I fear no - oh boy
§ilentwolf spork em if you got them says:
RiC@ says:
yipes and flees
RiC@ says:
I fear no dryer but it's so loouuuud
§ilentwolf spork em if you got them says:
§ilentwolf spork em if you got them says:
RiC@ says:
hides under a blanket
RiC@ says:
This shall protect me from harm!
§ilentwolf spork em if you got them says:
watchs dryer unplug
§ilentwolf spork em if you got them says:
ahhh poop
RiC@ says:
There's no such thing as extension cord
RiC@ says:
That's a myth
§ilentwolf spork em if you got them says:
RiC@ says:
runs out and chews on the hair dryer not so high and mighty are you noise maker
§ilentwolf spork em if you got them says:
lol nooo
§ilentwolf spork em if you got them says:
RiC@ says:
pounces at it a few times like a ferret would, chittering I am the master of you hair dryer
§ilentwolf spork em if you got them says:
RiC@ says:
turns around then scratches her hind legs on the carpet at the dryer booya I pwn you
§ilentwolf spork em if you got them says:
RiC@ says:
chews it one more time before darting off to hide again
§ilentwolf spork em if you got them says:
RiC@ says:
pokes her head out from under a blanket am I that amusing or just nothing else to put? lol
§ilentwolf spork em if you got them says:
lol im entertained
RiC@ says:
darts out from under the blanket and prances around the no longer noisy hair dryer chanting pwned pwned pwned
§ilentwolf spork em if you got them says:
RiC@ says:
gets in pounce mode, wiggling her tail before catching glimps of the other floofed tail ooo tail
§ilentwolf spork em if you got them says:
jumps about
RiC@ says:
tries to pounce the now moving target
§ilentwolf spork em if you got them says:
RiC@ says:
stops trying to pounce the moving target - tail - then darts back at the hair dryer and proceeds to drag it off
§ilentwolf spork em if you got them says:
rofl noooo
RiC@ says:
drags it down the hall and to a balcony it will never make loud noise ever again
§ilentwolf spork em if you got them says:
nooo dont' mafia it
RiC@ says:
ties the cord around one of the balcony posts to let it tauntingly dangle above it's demise if I were to mafia this mofo it would be under your covers all demolished
§ilentwolf spork em if you got them says:
rofl noooo
RiC@ says:
cackles then brings the hair dryer up trying to think of a different fate for it though it's fate has already been sealed
§ilentwolf spork em if you got them says:
rest in pieces you dang dryer
RiC@ says:
drags it by the handle to the door
§ilentwolf spork em if you got them says:
RiC@ says:
drags it to the door and with her hind foot she tries to open the door I hear cars at the bottom I'd like for you to meet the nice cars mister hair dryer
§ilentwolf spork em if you got them says:
§ilentwolf spork em if you got them says:
totally awesome
RiC@ says:
looks over her shoulder to her foot fiddling with the door it won't open those cars aren't going to be there long oppeeeeen lol
§ilentwolf spork em if you got them says:
RiC@ says:
sits on the door mat while pondering on how to get the dryer outside then tries to get to a shiny object under the sofa
§ilentwolf spork em if you got them says:
rofl the squirrel mafia easily distracted by shiny things
RiC@ says:
grabs it mine then goes back to the dryer look a shiny and it's miiiine
§ilentwolf spork em if you got them says:
§ilentwolf spork em if you got them says:
why are we not writing this down
RiC@ says:
I'll save it no doubt
RiC@ says:
It's been a while since I've laughed in random moments like this with you
RiC@ says:
I missed it
§ilentwolf spork em if you got them says:
§ilentwolf spork em if you got them says:
lol but beware *pulls out industrial blow dryer*
RiC@ says:
squeaks and chitters at it uh-oh that looks powerfu
§ilentwolf spork em if you got them says:
*grins and looks at you*
§ilentwolf spork em if you got them says:
say hello to my lil friend
§ilentwolf spork em if you got them says:
*insert evil laughter*
Lmfao oh jeez... What in the world was I high on?
rofl I don't know but it spawned into the world of mafia blow dryer of doomage
*shakes head*
you guys are pure awesome sauce lol
...Awesome--what? I thought I was awesome chicken, not awesome sauce lol
More like you are awesome squirrely wrath rica :D
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