Sorry ahead of time.
Some call it jealousy, me, I just call it I hate people. When you think you get a good friend, that so-called friend finds a relationship and completely ignores you. I'm aware that this situation also has another meaning. LIFE. I'm aware, but it still bothers the hell out of me.
But, here's the way I see it. I stop talking to this friend, much like how they've stopped talking to me - and see how long it lasts. I mean, after a while you'd think she'd get the hint, "Maybe what I'm doing is annoying others," because I'm sure she's doing this to other friends as well.
Here's the best part... Ready?
...It's on the internet. It's an internet relationship through Second Life and Skype. Miles and miles away. Internet relationships never last long anyways. I've learned this first hand. TWICE. So, yeah... I'm sure this won't last long.
If my friend doesn't talk to me for a year, fine. If she never talks to me again - FINE. Probably for the best anyways. At first I was a bit jealous. But now, I'm just pissed off. She knows this, I've confronted her about it. Of course though, this comes up, "Why don't you like my girlfriend?" and I'm thinking, "Gee... I could go on, but I won't touch it with a forty-foot pole,"
Her gf never talks to me, unless my friend is nearby. AT ALL. She IMed me back in Second Life before I logged off and I didn't bother with it. That shit just... No. I don't play that. Homey, doesn't play that. Not at all.
Love life + friends = Nothing ever any good.
This girlfriend drove a wedge in my friendship with my friend. Pulled her away and now my friend doesn't talk to me much anymore. Wouldn't that piss just about anyone off?
Anyways.. I'm done now. Very sorry about that. I could really make this pretty with rainbows - but, I'm in no mood tonight. NO MOOD. Again, I'm very sorry about the long stupid rant.
Ignore if you want, skim and ignore or whatever. It doesn't matter to me because it's just a little rant. Had to get it out of my system. If I didn't, I'd blow up at my friend. And I'm not going to do that.
Akayla 1991 stream online svenska undertext
5 years ago
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