So another wonderful sporktastic post by me the high and mighty....tiny....wolf
so your wondering why the post about scrambled eggs
I would have made a video but my camcorder is buried under like five stacks of packing boxes.
So how many ways can we make eggs...
well we could make them hard boiled don't let them spoil or we be making egg salad sandwiches
don't forget the mayo.....
will we could have deviled eggs whats this no wtf is a boweevel?
cripsy fried to sunnyside oh the wonderful world of eggs
oh yes we can't forget over easy and scrambled
The whole point of this post was to say
Happy Birthday emmer mayonegg
From the whole rat crew
Akayla 1991 stream online svenska undertext
5 years ago
haha it's tomorrow, i managed to fail with my gaia date, but thanks anyways :D
:P I like to do things a day early >.> cause I tend to forget on the actual day
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