Ok so I'm sitting here in my first day of learning strats. I'm supposed to be working on homework, but I honestly don't have anything to work on, so I figured might aswell do a bit of writing. A productive way of wasting time.
My filling seems to be a bit upside down today. I was late for school because I couldn't find my ipod and a particular book which I just felt I could not leave the house without. Turns out that the ipod was in the glovebox of my car and the book is no where to be found. Kinda sucks cos I feel like something about my day is not complete cos I don't have the book. Ahhh OCD's kicking in again. But seriously, I feel really upset. Kinda feel like crying. I know there's something else bugging me, but I just can't seem to put my crust on it.
Umm...Don't really know what else to write about...
Pies are weird, pies are strange
If you steal their shoes,
They'll come pie you in the face
Ok, ok no laaame. Not the morning for poetry lol.
Oh yeah, last night the pie took a new rat to be out flyering. It was alot of fun. We ran around 17th like maniacs sticking flyers in the most random places. My fellow rat even stuck one in the mailbox. Betcha that'll confuse the hell out of the poor mailman who tries deliver it, seeing as there's no address or stamp on it. But hey, there's always a chance that it may fall into the hands of a punk/alternative individual and it will lure them to the show. Then we know that we've done a good job. The more peeps that attend the show, the better. The more people that get to experience the magic of live music :D.
Whoop, whoop there goes the bell. Pies out. Talk to ya all later!
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5 years ago
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