What is this rat crew who are they what are they...no we are not wonderful sporktactular blobs of cheese
what is this so called pie we have named aj...what flavour of pie we shall never know
and how the heck did a mango get into this bunch of rats
now how can you try not to laugh if you see this rat like thing running around that looks like half rat..half pie !!!! come on already and a mango so if we could play the transformers gang here we would have a tiny lil kick arse rat made out of mangos pie and a wolf
so mango pie wolf rat ahoy!!!
set your sails and lets go
I shall end this rant with this
Hey I was crazy once
They put me in a padded room
they told me to get a life
life's a magazine it costs 25 cents
...AHHH RATS I only have 10
*shudders and twitches*
Uggh I hate rats they drive me crazy
Hey I was crazy once they put me in a padded room they told me to get a life...
end of rant
wolf is out of here for now...
Akayla 1991 stream online svenska undertext
5 years ago
rat pie in your cheese hole! :P
I want to have a padded room
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