Ticket scalpers disgust me. It is just another manipulative way for bloody corporations to con us out of our money. The government says that this buisness is illegal...well why the fuck aren't they stepping in or at least making an effort to stop this crap? It is not fair for us consumers to be forced to pay for tickets at about 10 to 15 times their normal value. Ticketmaster probably has a rule where they sell general public tickets to these stupid ticket brokers before actually releasing them to the general public. Of course by the time these websites of deception
are finished with their purchases, there are little to no tickets left for us fans to buy. I don't know about you, but I think there's something wrong when music fans are being forced to pay 500+ dollars for a ticket to see there favourite band live, when it is only supossed to cost the 99 bucks. Many rockers cannot afford this nonsense. All it comes down to is more money in the pockets of those evil fucking corporations and less money for us consumers. It's all a bunch of deceptive bullshit which has to stop!!!!
Akayla 1991 stream online svenska undertext
5 years ago
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