So have you noticed that everything that almost practically involves java,caffeine and sugar all leads to wonderful...oh so wonderful....did I mention wonderful almost near fatal bouncing off the walls break stuff hyperactivity.
Oh but oh its so hard to get it out cause its just so vile and just wrong you got me ITS have those decaf javas.....caffeine free drinks....sugar free almost anything
cause you know what I could go for right now maybe a cup of coffee or maybe two cups of coffee...or bout just give me elventeen cups and we shall be fine and it better not be decaf or I will be all RAWR give me coffee and the squirrel doesn't get hurt
you know what *twitch* I do *twitch...eye twitches* lack the *twitch twitch* thing we call *giggles* "social skills of society"
you wanna know why cause I at times am just me hyper me...okay I am the number one most hyperactive wuffie....on the planet...minus my other friend cause when we are combined we become the utmost....hyperactive super bouncing off the walls people *smiles and poses*
okay see I lost my train of thought now you see here anything with the good stuff taken out is vile you got me VILE
what spawned this I was enjoying a lovely mountain dew....when BAM it hits me.....its caffeine free do you know how sick that is...its wrong
whats the point of doing this to everything good...I NEED MY CAFFEINE *pounces* do you have anything sugar like candies on you I really need a sugar boost...*gives you puppy eyes*
*curls up in a ball and whimpers* is sweet oh so sweet caffeine....*GASP and rolls over and twitches out on the floor* see this is why you the people should not cut me off of caffeine
I BECOME SANE *grabs your shirt collar and shakes a little* you don't want me sane do you....*looks at you* I see that look thats it *grabs the squirrel and hands it off to the gnomes* "yes I would like to trade in this umm semi used evil sexy genius of a squirrel for a cup of coffee"
WHAT do you mean you only have decaf no deal nuuuuuuuuuu deal at all you vile tricky gnomes *rawr*
*kicks some gnome booty*
......ahhh feelings of hostility in my system subsiding.....RISING....subsiding...ris....gone
OMG THERE IS BLOOD IN MY CAFFEINE SYSTEM GET IT OUT QUICK*runs in circles and runs into wall and knocks self out lays on ground twitching*
Akayla 1991 stream online svenska undertext
5 years ago
1 comment:
oh nooo not blood, get rid of every vile drop of it and make way for super-charged caffiene...
hehe sorry I'm very tired right now...NEED SOME CAFFIENE GOD DAMNIT!!!
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