The radtacular random rats eh
so I am taking it we are a bunch of random rats running around completely and utterly backwards going omg cheese.
wait no...mongooses wait yes behold the mongoose mafia who shall usurp your brains and your sanity ...okay I lied the brains is up for your local zombie crew to suck up
now to think about it not scary what would happen if all at once we just saw it and went omg it's a brain sucking turkey looking mongoose zombie of doom
by the time you finish saying that your brain has already been eaten...mmmm the zombies love your brain meats oh so ever tasty brain meats
now then I come from the other end of blog land were my territory is "Zombies ate my goblins"
so yes a lot of bizzare posts to come from my end...wait which end we talking about get your mind out of the gutter
there for I declare this blog now infested by zombie eating goblins that have now infestedt he rats so there for the rats are not my zombie minions of doomy doom a doom age...
/end rant
wolf is out
Akayla 1991 stream online svenska undertext
5 years ago
hehe well zombie rats are small, so they can go places where full-sized zombies have never gone before...
and they make brain cheese which is uber-delicious :P
brain cheese?
lol oh no do not get started
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