WARNING: skanking can be quite deadly if you don't know what you're doing :P
1. BEFORE you attempt to skank, make sure you have no underlying illnesses or injuries that could be agrivated by intense action. It is very easy to throw your back or knees out while skanking. And trust me, it is quite painful.
2. Make sure you have no had too much to eat or drink or else the results could be rather unpleasant. We don't want a slip-n-slide in the pit now, do we?
3. Wear appropriate skanking attire. This includes two-tone pants and checkered old school vans and your favourtie ska band shirt. Skirts and very tight pants are not recommened cos you will probably end up flashing somebody. Maybe that's a good thing but more likely than not, it can cause major mortification.
4. Be careful where you are waving your arms and legs. Skanking is not a violent activity and we want it to stay that way. Things can go wrong all to easily and you may end up giving somebody a bloody nose or a black eye. Then that could make the other person have hard feelings ant they may try and get their sweet revenge by punching you back. That's when fights happen and security gaurds come and your fun ends for the night...:(
5. There really is no right or wrong way to skank. Everybody has their own style. Don't worry about making a complete ass out of yourself because everybody else is doing just that. Suddenly when everybody's being a goof, the people who aren't doing it look like the goofs.
6. What the heck are you waiting for? Get off your lazy arse and get to a show and start skanking! :D

1 comment:
http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=sLGLum5SyKQ :P
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