First post.
Um... Yeah. o-O
I guess I ran out of hyper. Iono. *shrugs*
Akayla 1991 stream online svenska undertext
5 years ago
Go ahead, be weird. We won't judge you, we may just offer you a pancake!
*sporks* welcome to the wonderful weird world of the rats! :D
don't think you've been given a proper welcoming yet so here, pull up a seat and have a pancake!
and here's some gobstoppers to get your hyperness back hehehe *runs around in circles*
sorry, hope I haven't weirded you out too much yet :P
well spork ya later in more awesome random cheeziness!
I've known Julie a few years, I think I'm used to any kind of weirdness any of you can throw at me.
And thank you muchly for the welcome.
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