New Year's's the one night of the year that you are not suppossed to remember. Well, at least that's what they say anyways...
Let me tell you about the pie's lovely experience in Jackland. First of all, the night started off with a certain Kat deciding to misbehave. Needless to say, a bunch of unfortunate victims had to face the wrath of the pie. Now I don't get full-fledged angry that often, but let me tell you this was not pretty. Do not ever do something to seriously piss off a pie or you will be sorry. You have been warned...dun dun dun *chomps you and scurries away*
Also, never give a pie alcohol either and believe pies when they say that they have a low alcohol tolerance. Pies were just not made to drink booze. Period. Now a certian herb on the other hand...well that's a different story. But anyways, back to the alcohol. So after the first screwdriver, I was fine. A little light headed but other than that, nothing big. Soon somebody decides to crack out the corona. Now pies love corona so I was all over that. I gulped it back but I then learned that maybe that was a mistake. Uh oh, a drunken pie...drunken pies are not exactly the most glorious of creatures. My dad seems to think that it's pretty funny that I'm acting so stupid after only two drinks. So when the New Years champagne comes out, the pie has the pie of mind *get it, piece of mind hehehe, ok I know, laaame* Anyways, the pie has the piece of mind to turn it down as I know that I probably won't beable to stand up after it. My stepmom just laughs at me and does the whole "yeah right" thing. So I end up participating in the toast and having that glass. Afterwards, I'm really feeling it and starting to slur my speech and doze off on the couch. My parents eventually realize that I actually meant it when I said I had a very low alcohol tolerance so they send me off to bed. Of course I fall down on the way to my room and that has everybody laughing their arses off. Tsk, tsk silly, silly pie...
The pie will spare you the details of what happened once it got to it's oven but this story is just to serve as proof that you should never give a pie alcohol. If you do, well, disasterous things will happen.
Anyways, Happy New Years Rats!
Hope the hangovers didn't hit to hard and hope you haven't broken your resolutions yet :P
Akayla 1991 stream online svenska undertext
5 years ago
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