1. Inside cables there are hundreds of tiny gnomes 'high-fiving' each other and running around swapping messages. This transfer of messages allows things to work, e.g. the gnomes in a plug socket tell the gnomes in the wire, who eventually tell the gnomes in (say) a kettle to fart in the water allowing it to boil.
2. As you've probably noticed, gnomes like the ground. They all strive to be in the ground, hence the gnome explanation for gravity: not theory but fact. Gnomes throw minute ropes (see string theory), invisible to the human eye, to the ground. These ropes attach to unseen hooks that enable muscle-toned gnomes to pull themselves towards terra firma. There is minimal gravity far from planetary bodies (i.e. in space) because no known gnomes have access to cables of sufficient length. All bodies experience gravitational attraction to each other quite simply because gnomes are, to put it mildly, sociable creatures who practically invented what they like to call the hearty party. Gnome all-nighters are where gravity waves meet Mexican waves.
3. Now this is a little more complicated. There are evil anti-gnomes. These make up anti-matter. Done.
4. As underpants gnomes would say, there are 3 steps to getting rich: Phase 1: Steal Underpants Phase 2: ????? Phase 3: Profit!
Don't ask. A friend of mine sent me a website that was completely random. Now, you must be weary, as now you know the live practically everywhere. >3
Akayla 1991 stream online svenska undertext
5 years ago
O_O holy crap lol I can't stop laughing
Hahaha omg, rofl! I'm with wolf on the dying laughing part. I'll never beable to think of a kettle in the same way again! You're awesome Rica :D
Yeah, that was pretty funny, wasn't it? Don't thank me, thank a friend of mine for being that random. I just thought you all should know the whereabouts of the gnome menace. :P
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