I'm bored! Nice to meet you! Below are a list of things you will do to entertain me! Gods I have no life... And too much caffiene!!!
1) Tap dance while gargling clementine Izze in a polka dot tutu while yodeling the Dirty Jobs theme song and sporking the giant spork
2) Do a hand stand then walk on your hands down to the corner store and buy a pack of coffee flavored gum and ask the cashier if he/she has sporked a dork in the past three months
3) Juggle semi-dangerous items AND semi-breakable items while whistling the Numa song and turning in a pirouette for as long as you can remain sporkright
I'm tellin' ya... I'm bored. But, no, seriously... Do these things to entertain me!! Squirrel commandeth thee to do thy bidding!!
Spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, spork, SPORK!
o-O;; ...Like I said, too much caffeine. ...The gnomes have resorted to stealing my PANTS 'cause I'm doing my laundry so they have no underpants to snatch. CURSE YOU TINY POINTY HAT WEARING PANTY RAIDERS!! Curse yooouuu... *shakes fist*
Okay... I think I should seriously be put under house arrest when I'm hyper. It worries even me at times... I'm done now!! MORE CAFFEINE! I DEMAND SUGAR!
Akayla 1991 stream online svenska undertext
5 years ago
bahahaha I'd do number two...minus the hand walking :P
Niiiice. Do eeet. o:
lol umm I dont' what i well do
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