So it's about 1 or 2 in the morning I am cursing at the air mattress when...out of now were *bam* nailed upside the head by a flying twizzler.
Now what kind of person a twizzler come on lol first shoes then candy so the epic battle of hyperness and tossing a single twizzler ensued
I dived for cover behind the air mattress she dove for her bed and hid behind the blankets
....I had the evil twizzler in hand just waiting for it waiting.....Bam right in the head....ahhh crap *ducks*
noooo you can't hit me you can't...*smacks*
*insert randomness of giggles and curse words*
like to make a side note here it was a uber hard stale twizzler
so the battle went on till I found the gobstopper and then chucked that and then ensued the all mighty candy battle
That lasted all of which prob an hour or half hour
either way it was messed up it was funny and well the evil battle twizzler is now tacked up on a wall with a note saying beware of battle ready twizzler.
Akayla 1991 stream online svenska undertext
5 years ago
1 comment:
bahahaha! fear the almighty twizzler!
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