[12:35] RiC@ : radioactive rubber pants!!: Thunder woke me up a few minutes ago but you know the weird thing is... IT'S SNOWING OUTSIDE. o-0;;
[12:36] §ilentWolf we all fade away someday: O_O
[12:36] RiC@ : radioactive rubber pants!!: Exactly the response I gave when I looked out my patio door.
[12:38] §ilentWolf we all fade away someday: nice
[12:38] RiC@ : radioactive rubber pants!!: nods
[12:39] §ilentWolf we all fade away someday: transfers you to canada
[12:39] RiC@ : radioactive rubber pants!!: chitters
[12:45] §ilentWolf we all fade away someday: wo
[12:45] RiC@ : radioactive rubber pants!!: chitter dances drinks coffee yummyyyyy
[12:45] §ilentWolf we all fade away someday: mmm java
[12:46] RiC@ : radioactive rubber pants!!: chitters then immitates Bruce from Family Guy ooh noooo bounceb ounce
[12:47] RiC@ : radioactive rubber pants!!: Grr punker didn't give me a chance to say BE SAFE IN THAT EFFING SNOW
[12:47] §ilentWolf we all fade away someday: damn
[12:47] RiC@ : radioactive rubber pants!!: Ah well, he's a safe driver. I hope o-0
[12:47] §ilentWolf we all fade away someday: yeah
[12:48] RiC@ : radioactive rubber pants!!: Bastards! All the good Trillian skins aren't for basic! ;3;
[12:48] RiC@ : radioactive rubber pants!!: chitters and chews on Trillian
[12:48] §ilentWolf we all fade away someday: chitters
[12:48] RiC@ : radioactive rubber pants!!: jumps
[12:48] RiC@ : radioactive rubber pants!!: o-x
[12:48] RiC@ : radioactive rubber pants!!: Wolves don't chitter!
[12:48] RiC@ : radioactive rubber pants!!: What's wrong with yyooooouuuu o-0 lol
[12:49] §ilentWolf we all fade away someday: O_OP
[12:49] §ilentWolf we all fade away someday: i ate a squirrel?
[12:49] RiC@ : radioactive rubber pants!!: gasps then hides under a hoodie
[12:49] §ilentWolf we all fade away someday: noses
[12:49] RiC@ : radioactive rubber pants!!: No eat! No eat!
[12:49] §ilentWolf we all fade away someday: lol
[12:50] RiC@ : radioactive rubber pants!!: throws a steak chew toy out of the hoodie
[12:50] §ilentWolf we all fade away someday: *attacks it*
[12:51] RiC@ : radioactive rubber pants!!: pokes her head out from under the hoodie, gasps again then hides...again
[12:51] RiC@ : radioactive rubber pants!!: That poor chew toy!
[12:52] §ilentWolf we all fade away someday: O_O looks at you
[12:52] RiC@ : radioactive rubber pants!!: squeaks and curls up in the hoodie not realizing her tail is poking out of the hoodie
[12:53] §ilentWolf we all fade away someday: *attacks tail*
[12:53] RiC@ : radioactive rubber pants!!: squeaks
[12:54] §ilentWolf we all fade away someday: yawns
[12:54] RiC@ : radioactive rubber pants!!: noses out a bag of coffee beans
[12:54] §ilentWolf we all fade away someday: watches
[12:55] RiC@ : radioactive rubber pants!!: chitters, pokes her head out and sniffs her tail it smells like axe o-0
[12:55] §ilentWolf we all fade away someday: O_O what you doing smelling my tail foo
[12:55] RiC@ : radioactive rubber pants!!: blinks wrong tail o-x
[12:56] RiC@ : radioactive rubber pants!!: Brb
[12:56] Meebo Message: RiC@ : radioactive rubber pants!! is offline
[12:58] Meebo Message: RiC@ : radioactive rubber pants!! is online
[12:58] RiC@ : radioactive rubber pants!!: chitters then rolls on the hoodie mark mark mark
[12:59] §ilentWolf we all fade away someday: chuckles
[12:59] RiC@ : radioactive rubber pants!!: does the breast stroke on the hoodie, in place maaarrrk
[12:59] §ilentWolf we all fade away someday: rofl
[12:59] §ilentWolf we all fade away someday: and this wins the rat emmy
[12:59] §ilentWolf we all fade away someday: omfg it's a squirrel *pounces*
[12:59] §ilentWolf we all fade away someday: rolls on
[13:00] §ilentWolf we all fade away someday: mark mark mark
[13:00] §ilentWolf we all fade away someday: there nice and stinky
[13:00] RiC@ : radioactive rubber pants!!: chitter--stroke! chitter--stroke~ --eep!
[13:00] §ilentWolf we all fade away someday: pah
[13:00] RiC@ : radioactive rubber pants!!: paws
[13:02] §ilentWolf we all fade away someday: sorry lets you breath
[13:02] RiC@ : radioactive rubber pants!!: resumes pawing
[13:03] §ilentWolf we all fade away someday: chuckles this belongs int he rat blog
[13:03] RiC@ : radioactive rubber pants!!: chitter--sneeze--chitter wuff dander!
[13:03] RiC@ : radioactive rubber pants!!: Yus
[13:03] §ilentWolf we all fade away someday: likes i have no dander
[13:04] RiC@ : radioactive rubber pants!!: sneeze
[13:04] RiC@ : radioactive rubber pants!!: Gotta be something else lol
[13:04] RiC@ : radioactive rubber pants!!: I KNEW IT
[13:04] RiC@ : radioactive rubber pants!!: Squirrel dander!
[13:04] RiC@ : radioactive rubber pants!!: sneeze
[13:04] §ilentWolf we all fade away someday: >.> you owe me 200 for the fur cleaning
[13:04] RiC@ : radioactive rubber pants!!: tries to put you in the sink with the running water bath time!
[13:05] §ilentWolf we all fade away someday: noooooooo
[13:05] §ilentWolf we all fade away someday: growls and swat
[13:05] RiC@ : radioactive rubber pants!!: Water is your friend!
[13:05] RiC@ : radioactive rubber pants!!: Oh, that's right, sink too small
[13:05] RiC@ : radioactive rubber pants!!: ...Tub!
[13:05] RiC@ : radioactive rubber pants!!: drags
[13:05] RiC@ : radioactive rubber pants!!: Winston draw the bath!
[13:07] §ilentWolf we all fade away someday: rofl
[13:07] RiC@ : radioactive rubber pants!!: chitter
[13:07] RiC@ : radioactive rubber pants!!: No bath? Ok! More for me! *jumps in the tub* Wheeee
[13:07] RiC@ : radioactive rubber pants!!: splash splash
Akayla 1991 stream online svenska undertext
5 years ago
My Gods... What the hell is wrong with me? I get so freaking weird when I drink coffee! Especially with wolf. o-0; Not a clue... >.>;
It's the damn bonding we have lol I swear it
rofl... *sits on counter watching the whole thing shaking crust at you two*
@Wolf - yeah, more than likely it's the bonding
@AJ - now I wants pie crust...o-0 *chitter* I'm still hyper better watch out lol
>.> we bond like glue wee hehe
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