to the fearing of the all mighty spork to the all might spork rants which turned out to be quite sporkafiying weird mind you even though half them were sporkatic and and made no sporkense they truly made a person go inspork.
oh how much I loved them but it is time to do this *jedi hand waves*
yes you heard that right now repeat after
very good now you see it has come to the attention of me that day by day the sporks were driving me nuts oh how I loved to rant about them how much did I just go overboard ranting and a sporking about thy beloved sporks.....will you know I figured it out all along it was the evil plot of the vile gnomes and evil sneaky penguins to get me so entranced in with the spork that it would sidetrack me .
thus giving them due time to build up there armies and defenses and sadly half the time get poor me gnomed to nearly death by pointy little gnome shoes.
also I am saying El-mango is nothing but a kebler elf cleverly disguised as a human being O_O she is a spy I tell you a spy....hey she may seem all innocent selling those christmas tres but whoa let me tell's all a bluff just something to throw you off while Aj is with her in the evil plotting of the mass stealing and hording just like a squirrel mind you of the beloved tim tams.
O_O how can you be so cruel how can you be so garland *pounces it and plays around with it*
.....25 mins later... Oh pardon me it was all shiny you know and then I was all "OMG A SHINY"
who is distracting me now...Rica how many times have I told you to lock away the sparklies cause you know I always wanted a sparkly and if it seems I am slamming my own team bloggers I am not really as you can see.
this could all be a plot to confuse the vile gnomes to thinking that there plan is working but it's not you hear me O_O *grabs you by your shirt collar* ITS NOT GONNA WORK
......BAM "gets tackled by oompa loompas" *flails and whines*
.......30 mins later.... Oh I am so sorry I do not know what came over me there I am so sorry.
so now are we all good yes no more misunderstandings good
oh ya there is no spork O_O
this message has been brought to you by the wu....ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh oh the evils noooooo
*the sounds of gnome feet and penguin flaps can be heard in the background*
quick everybody run they caught on I said RUN DANG IT RUN....
*dives for the in case of gnome and penguin attacks press this button*
...Wow, someone sure was bored lol
:D I was also uberly overtired and hyper
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