For it has come to my recent attention that some of you may have watched hoodwinked and have labeled me twitchy from the movie hoodwinked.
Okay so in reply I am not twitchy there is no way I well ever be that hyperactive squirrel
what is it about that hyperactive nutjob that reminds everybody that squirrel is me
you know what I could go for right now a nice steaming hot cup of coffee
cause coffee is good and there is always so many choices to choose from
come on flavored coffee rocks.
that squirrel is breaking the coffee commandments come on you all should know what I'm talking about.
1.Thou shall not let thy coffee get cold
2.Thou shall always replace the coffee in the coffee pot if you are the last one to empty it
3.Thou shall never switch to decaf coffee
4. Thou shall respect thy coffee and thy coffee maker
5.Thou shall never ruin said coffee by adding too much cream or sugar
6. Thou shall never allow coffee to spill and be wasted
7. Thou shall never make stale coffee. Fresh beans or die.
8. Thou shall never give coffee to animals (like squirrels)
9. Thou shall always make sure there is always coffee in the house
10. Thou shall never become dependent on fancy expensive starbucks coffee with ridiculous names (macchiato, etc.)
11.Thou shall never drive and caffienate whilst trying to dodge potholes
12. Thou shall never disrespect coffee at a guests house(no matter how bad it is)
13. Thou shall never make excuses about coffee induced behavior no matter how crazy or vile
14.Thou shall remember that coffee turns you to the dark side of the force and there is no return
15.Thou shall remember that decaf drinkers are not to be trusted and they are really vile gnomes in disguise
16.Thou shall never sacrifice coffee for a cookie
17.Thou shall try to part coffee like the red sea
18. Thou shall never tempt the mongoose mafia with coffee or you will find your sanity on ebay
19. Thou shall never drink coffee while attempting to commander ships of any sort or make bargains with pirates while high on coffee
This are the coffee commandments follow or beware or suffer consequences
Here is the final statement
Why is the coffee gone its not allowed I shall come over there now and spork you
Akayla 1991 stream online svenska undertext
5 years ago
If coffee is gone, squirrely wrath will bring down wrath upon your decaf loving souls. o:
rawr lol
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