once upon a time there was a green oyster named Lil' T and he spat rainbow bubles from a purple mouth at everyone it hated.
One day the zombie space cows came and bit him on the ass.
and he started to glow from the bite mark it grew bigger and bigger until he glowed rainbow from the intergalactic space residue.
(ewww space snot)
Lil' T sprouted legs and walked into a blue whales blow hole.
unbeknowst to him somewhere deep within this blow hole was something....shiny!
the blue whale blew lil T so hard he flew on to land.
where he now walks the earth seeking squirrel monkey brains and just plain being a zombie oyster.
strangely enough at that same time lil T saw a gnome skipping across his path with a banana slug on its shoulder.
The gnome was singing "THEY'RE COMING TO TAKE ME AWAY AH HA!" and the slug had a cute little white jacket made especially for the gnome.
though the jacket was quite restricting the gnome accepted it with glee and pulled out a tinfoil hat to try to put it on lil T.
Then in a big hurry they had to run from the psychotic sugarcoated rainbow bunny (NOW COMES WITH MEAT CLEAVER!)
The bunny hopped and hopped and hopped and stamped an 'APPROVED'in rainbow ink on the slug which fell off the gnomes shoulder.
AND THEN!!!! along came a baby dragon which tried to eated it!!!
unfortunately for the dear dragon slugs are not lemon drops nor are they wolfy flavored.
all of a sudden lil T saw a red and black rabid chipmunk running across his path quoting shakespear while holding a squirrel monkey brain.
lil T ran after the chipmunk but then it threw chopsticks at him while ranting about underwear stealing gnomes.
lil T made a huge flying leap for the brains but the gnome stole them and ran away.
leaving the poor poor zombie oyster with no brains.
the gnome then ran home to it's lair of peanut butter and cherry jam.
throwing the brain in some boiling water where it begins to shake and bake.
after shaking and quaking and baking some more the brain suddenly hatches into the half eaten banana slug named connor.
then the psychotic bunny named devilvirgin bounds into the lair of PB&J with the rabid chipmunk on her shoulder.
the chipmunk starts gagging because it is ironic the chipmunks only weakness is cherry jam.
while the poor rodent is dying devilvirgin hops to the pot and steals the half eaten banana slug named connor.
picking up the chipmunk on the way out the three dash quickly to the zombie march.
the moral of this story is stay away from zombie space cows damnit!!!
Akayla 1991 stream online svenska undertext
5 years ago
Think you just made the pie explode with laughter...time to go clean filling off the wall now :P
rofl this is why wolfie so needs sleep
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